3 original activities to do in December

Marie Voght, a first-year marketing student at EPHEC (Louvain-la-Neuve), is the founder of the page “Around the world in Belgium”. She is also the author of two books relating her explorations of Belgium. Every 1st of the month, she will present a column for “La Libre Etudiant” with her good advice on getaways for students, but not only!

Winter is not only synonymous with cold and blockades! Winter also means festivities, Christmas markets, and more activities! No question of contributing to the wear and tear of the sofa, this year, we’re going to love it and it’s going to snow!

I suggest three activities that are inexpensive, relaxing, and that we need. We always stay on the natural side.

1. Full moon hike

The advantage of winter is that it gets dark early, and the advantage of a full moon is that atmosphere it gives off. No need for a flashlight, the moon illuminates your passage. Under the light of the moon, even a place you know will look different. You will come out of this walk with magnificent photos but above all with images in your eyes. Look at your calendar; in December the full moon will appear on December 8 and January 7.

2. Sleep in a cabin cut off from the world

A morning hike, a good tartiflette at noon, a good wood fire in the evening, without networks or wifi. Ideal for recharging one’s batteries but also, why not, studying in peace. Don’t lose hope, there are unusual or non-standard student budget cabins in Belgium.

3. Create a homemade jacuzzi with an old bathtub

It’s not expensive, it’s eco-friendly, it allows you to spend time outside in an original way.

Manual :

1: find a bathtub (at a friend’s, at your grandfather’s or on the marketplace)

2: clean the bathtub

3: place the bathtub on two large concrete blocks to raise it. Pay attention to the stability because it must not overturn.

4: add a stopper in a DIY store

5: fill the tub with water

6: heat the water using a wood fire (be careful not to burn yourself). The flames must not be too high and you must of course put your hand first at the bottom of the tub to avoid burns. I was careful, and I didn’t burn myself.

7. Enjoy



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