From time to time, brands manage to surprise us with useless and (above all) unexpected products. In recent examples, there is obviously Apple’s rag, sold for €25. But for the same price you can now get and hoodie for your Xbox handcuffs.
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Microsoft has a site (the Xbox Gear Shop) which sells accessories to the glory of its Xbox brand, and in the list of novelties, therefore, there is now a coat for the controllers. For 25 €, you can therefore (pre)order a cute little item of clothing that only serves one thing: to decorate a controller. And in the useless genre, this product probably takes the first place, far ahead the ugly christmas sweater in the colors of Clippy, released this year and already out of stock.
Ce hoodie worth €25, but once French VAT is added and postage for Europe is added, the price rises to just over €50, or two Apple rags. Cloth which therefore probably loses the place of standard meter in useless products. If you feel like it, Microsoft announces a delivery in March for the black version. A photo of the white version is available, but it is not available. And with any luck, this item will be as rare and sought following asa pair of Apple sneakers from the 80s.