Paul Kagame accuses Felix Tshisekedi of wanting to delay the elections through the conflict

Fighting in eastern DRC between government forces and rebels from the M23, a former Tutsi rebellion, has heightened tensions with neighboring Rwanda, which the DRC accuses of encouraging the militia. Kigali denies any involvement.

Talks between the two countries in Angola last week resulted in a ceasefire that appears to have held for several days.

If he tries to find another way to postpone the next election, then I would rather he used other excuses, and not us.Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda

In a state address, Kagame said that “the whole world“attributed the responsibility for the crisis to Rwanda, but that it was Felix Tshisekedi who sought to take advantage of the violence before the presidential election scheduled for December 20, 2023.

In the DRC, the presidential election is a single-round election, coupled with legislative elections as well as elections for provincial deputies and municipal councillors.

This problem can be solved if a country that is heading for elections next year does not try to create the conditions for an emergency so that the elections do not take place.“said Paul Kagame during a swearing-in ceremony for new cabinet members.

If he tries to find another way to postpone the next election, then I would rather he used other excuses, and not us.“, said Paul Kagame once more.

Felix Tshisekedi came to power in January 2019. Congo’s electoral commission said this month that continuing insecurity in parts of the country would pose a challenge to a vote”free, democratic and transparent“.

As part of the ceasefire that came into effect on November 25, M23 fighters must withdraw from “occupied areas“, failing which an East African regional force would intervene.

The M23 is one of dozens of armed groups that have made eastern Congo one of the most violent regions in Africa.

Another round of talks with armed groups continued in Kenya, without the presence of the M23.

Uhuru Kenyatta, the former Kenyan president overseeing the talks, said foreign rebel groups operating on Congolese soil “should go“or confront the troops of the DRC and East Africa.”They have already been warned: The DRC will not be a center of combat for other countries“said Uhuru Kenyatta.



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