French consumption continues to fall

Businesses and, to a lesser extent, individuals are learning to live with historically high energy prices. While the government’s sobriety plan, presented on October 6, provides for a reduction in energy consumption of 10% over the next two years in France compared to 2019, and of 40% by 2050, consumption of electricity continues to fall in France. According to the operator of the French electricity transmission network (RTE), electricity consumption, in line with what has been observed since the beginning of October, fell by 6.7% last week compared to the average. previous years (2014-2019). A larger drop than that observed the previous week (-5.8%). Over the last 4 weeks, consumption at normal temperature even shows a structural decrease of 6.4% compared to previous years (2014-2019).

Electricity: all regarding the cuts that might affect the French this winter to avoid the blackout

Mild temperatures that prevent fine characterization of this decline in individuals

Once once more, this weekly decrease is “largely concentrated in the industrial sector, in a context of rising energy prices”, he underlines. ” The downward effect in the residential and tertiary sector exists but has been more limited, and more difficult to finely characterize in recent weeks », due to school holidays and public holidays. ” With the exception of a few isolated days in November, temperatures have remained well above normal (seasonal) for more than a month », reducing the need for electricity for heating, particularly in private homes.

In a context of energy crisis, the network operator has set up weekly monitoring of electricity consumption in mainland France. The published data was aligned with normal temperatures for the period » and are independent of the exceptionally mild values ​​recorded in France in October and November.

« The worst that can happen are targeted cuts”

Of the ” risks “targeted and rotating power cuts exist in France” in January “in the event of too cold weather and if consumers do not reduce their consumption during alerts, warned last Saturday Emmanuelle Wargon, president of the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE), before reassuring, “ there will be no blackout, the system that jumps, it will not happen, the worst that can happen are targeted, decided cuts, which rotate from one city to another ».

2 tons of CO2 emitted per year and per French person by 2050: a difficult objective to achieve

A hundred senior officials gathered in Paris on Tuesday tested different levers to divide the carbon footprint of the French by five by 2050, a task of such magnitude. a bit excessive », depending on the number of participants. It is necessary that each Frenchman, who has emitted on average ” 9.5 to 10 tons » of CO2 equivalent each year falls to 2 tonnes. Day without red meat, renovation of housing, development of public transport and teleworking… Throughout the eight stages of the 2Tonnes Workshop, participants had to choose the public policies and individual actions to be implemented to reduce the carbon footprint of the French, and exclude others. Results of the races: no group has managed to lower the carbon footprint below 3.17 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. ” We are still far from the two tons “Blows one of the three women in the group at the end of the morning. ” You don’t have to be care bears, it’s still going to be hard, the ecological transition… “says this senior official from the Ministry of the Economy.

(With AFP)