The introduction of the points permit blocked by two Walloon parties: “This is not the solution, we just need more control”, says an MR deputy

While the discussion around the license with points is back on the table in our country, a recent survey by the VIAS Institute shows that Walloons drive more often than Flemish people under the influence of alcohol. They would even cause more accidents in this situation. How to explain it? Can the license with points have an influence on the behavior of drivers? How might this license with points work? Is it sufficient ? How to encourage drivers to choose: drink or drive?

The Walloon drinks, Wallonia dies: 38 alcohol-related accidents occur for every 100,000 inhabitants on the French-speaking side of the country. The Walloon drinks more and yet, it is indeed two Walloon parties which have just failed to introduce the penalty points license in our country, while all the Flemish parties are for it. Last month, 24% of Walloons admitted driving while having consumed alcohol.

For an anonymous commenter, public transport is one of the problems. “There are none that allow you to go out late at night, it’s problematic. Taxis are also expensive. Then, it’s a comfort to be able to take back your car, and not to leave it there for example“.

Faster permit withdrawal?

Georges Gilkinet, Walloon Minister of Mobility, was on the set of It’s not every day on Sunday: he especially wants the withdrawal of permits to happen faster than today. He wants it to be allowed following 1.2g of alcohol in the blood, or 8 consecutive glasses of beer. “We must act, it is a responsibility, Wallonia is far from being the best in Europe on this point“.

If the reform proposed by the Minister is validated, there will therefore be a license withdrawal as soon as 1.2g of alcohol is detected in the blood. “For a few weeks at first. And then we will work on training, awareness, because we put ourselves in danger, but also the other users“.

Why this Flanders/Wallonia difference? There are several reasons for Benoit Godart, spokesperson for VIAS. “We are a little more Mediterranean in our state of mind, many Walloons try to avoid blood alcohol controls, two and a half times more than the Flemish in any case“, he explains. “And finally, the risk of being checked is higher in Flanders in particular“.

For François Bellot, Walloon deputy and former Minister of Mobility, the license point is not the solution. “The problem is a matter of control. Recidivism is sanctioned but the problem is that for alcohol, it is that we are not controlled enough. 90% of HP raised is for speed, only 10% for everything else“.



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