Alfred Canales: “My nomination for the Red? A guy told me and I didn’t believe him… I thought he was hurting me ”

Next Monday, the Red Sub 23 will start a new microcycle in Juan Pinto Durán. With our eyes set on the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games, Eduardo Berizzo will work with 30 soccer players and among them will be Alfred Canales (22).

“Toto” observed the good performance of the midfielder at Universidad de Concepción, in the Promotion Tournament, and decided to add it for the first time to his planning.

“This semester was super good, because I played most of the games. It helped me a lot for the experience and the rhythm”, explains Canales to AS. The young man, who stands out for his physical strength (he measures 1.89 meters)was on loan for the last six months at the ‘Campanil’ from Audax Italiano.

– What did you feel when you saw your name among those called for the microcycle of the Red Sub 23?

– At first I did not know that I was nominated. I was with my family at home, watching TV, and a guy calls me and says ‘oh, you were nominated for the Selection’. I didn’t believe my uncle, I thought he was hurting me.

– And what happened next?

– There I went to the page and saw that yes, it was true, and it was a huge joy. We hugged with my family and everyone was happy and congratulated me.

– How much have you worked for such an opportunity?

– I’ve tried hard and I’ve tried to look for it in various ways. I went on loan to the U de Conce to play, show myself and to be given these opportunities.

– What do you expect from these jobs with the Sub 23?

– Grab a lot of experience and try to learn from what the teacher asks us.

– You must now return to Audax Italiano. Have you been told if you will be part of the 2023 squad?

– Yes, I have to go back. As there is a new DT (Manuel Fernández), they have not told me anything yet. We will present ourselves on December 12, so there I am seeing what to do, because they have also told me regarding other teams. We’ll see what happens.


During his loan at U. de Concepción, Alfred Canales played 15 games and scored three goals.



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