Cairo Pharmacists Syndicate decides to refer any member who gives injections to his pharmacy for investigation

The Cairo Pharmacists Syndicate demanded, following an emergency meeting of the Council today, its members to immediately refrain from providing the injection administration service, due to the current events and the ongoing confusion related to giving injections in pharmacies, out of syndicate, professional and national responsibility in order to preserve the dignity and morals of the profession in accordance with Article 9 of the Pharmacists Syndicate Law. Egypt 47 of 1969, referring to the need to leave this service to the person entrusted with the matter until the issuance of legal legislation protecting the pharmacist and the citizen.

And the Cairo Pharmacists Syndicate added, in a statement: According to the inherent right of the competences of the Syndicate Council, Article 29, Clause 20, which stipulates that the Syndicate Council must express the opinion of pharmacists in social and national problems, we direct the attention of officials and decision makers from the consequences and seriousness of the fierce campaign directed once morest pharmacists in general and pharmacies in particular, which will have dire consequences that we do not have the luxury of facing in light of the economic changes that surround us from every side and direct all parties, and decision makers to extend a helping hand and we are fully prepared for that away from making unilateral decisions that afflict the rest of the pharmacy profession It negatively affects the health system in general.

And she indicated that she repeatedly affirms her full respect for the validity of the law and that the explanatory memorandum for the validity of Law 47 of 1969, as it clarified clearly and explicitly the role of the union in creating material and moral conditions to raise the level of its members and increase cooperation between it and the rest of the people..

The Cairo Pharmacists Syndicate warned all pharmacies to completely, decisively and decisively refrain from giving injections in pharmacies under any circumstances, and to direct the citizen to the medical service provider who prescribed those injections. The fair Egyptian and our full support for Dr. Al-Dahia in Alexandria Governorate and providing all means of cooperation with the Alexandria Pharmacists Syndicate and its saving council until the pharmacist obtains her full right.

Pharmacists Syndicate



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