Strikes in the airline sector: Air France, EasyJet, Ryanair… end-of-year celebrations threatened by social movements?

the essential
Several unions from different airlines have warned of the risk of social movements during the end-of-year holidays. Some flights may be cancelled.

If you are planning to go abroad during these end-of-year celebrations, you may have to be patient. Several airlines have warned of the risk of work stoppage for their flight personnel in the coming weeks. The Midi Dispatch takes stock of the walkouts that are planned in the airline sector at the end of the year.

Notice of strike at Air France

At Air France, two unions have filed a strike notice for the period from December 22 to January 2. Indeed, the Civil Aviation Union of Flight Crew (Unac) and the Air France Group Flight Crew Union (SNGAF) are in disagreement with the group’s management regarding the collective agreement for hostesses and stewards: “This notice must serve as a warning to our management, explains a union leaflet. If this warning is not heard, only a strong mobilization will be able to tip the scales.”

With TF1, the management of Air France explains that “the negotiation is still in progress” and “our objective is to reach a new agreement”. The two unions affirm that they will for their part reject any “unilateral measure” on the part of the management: “To find oneself at the mercy of a management which, with the stroke of a pen, can modify as it pleases everything which affects our profession is unacceptable”, continue the two unions.

Growls at EasyJet

At EasyJet, same story. Here once more, it is the collective agreement of the hostesses and stewards that is the subject of debate. The National Union of Commercial Flight Personnel (SNPNC-FO) warns “of a very significant risk of work stoppage for commercial flight personnel during the end-of-year holidays, in connection with salary negotiations”.

“After more than two years of colossal efforts made by the hostesses and stewards in France, during which our working conditions have deteriorated sharply due to serious strategic errors for which management alone is responsible, EasyJet is proposing salary increases this year. salary does not even cover inflation, and refuses the main elements of our demands”, continues the union. For the time being, the union organization has not announced that it has filed a strike notice.

Threats of strikes at Ryanair

The flight personnel of the Belgian low-cost airline Ryanair are also threatening a strike at the end of the year. In a letter sent to management on November 21, the National Employees Center (CNE) warns: “The end-of-year celebrations are approaching, and if nothing moves, there is a good chance that the staff will express their anger on this occasion”.

For its part, the company TAP Air Portugal announced that it was going to cut 360 flights at the beginning of December because of the strike of its cabin crew, scheduled for December 8 and 9 next.



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