Rouen researchers make an important discovery about Alzheimer’s disease

New genes have been discovered by researchers from Rouen and Lille. An essential advance that was piloted by two French teams and a Dutch team.

Two new genes discovered

It affects approximately 1,200,000 people in France, including 4% before the age of 65. The disease ofAlzheimer results in memory problems, the execution of simple gestures, orientation in time and space as well as cognitive functions. It is due to the degeneration of neurons in the brain.

Degeneration of neurons in the brain

In their study, the researchers discovered two new genes in which certain very rare mutations increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Their work has been published in the renowned journal ‘Nature Genetics’. The scientists crossed the genetic data of more than 30,000 people, half suffering from Alzheimer’s, the other not. These data were entered into a super computer which examines the exomes, the heart of the genetic code, which produces proteins, specifies a researcher.

A possible third gene identified?

With their super calculator, the researchers have seen that certain rare genetic variations in these genes are associated with a significant increase in the risk of developing the disease, this impact being even more marked in the early forms of the disease. On this occasion, a possible third gene would have been identified, specifies the press release from the University of Rouen, taken up by 76 news.

We are on the right therapeutic path

This discovery is very important underlines the scientists since first of all it confirms that they are on the right therapeutic track because some of the genes identified are involved in the production of beta amyloid, a protein which can form plaques in the brain suspected of declare the Alzheimer’s disease. From now on, researchers will have to seek to understand the interaction of genes and determine why this develops the disease in some people while for others it has no consequence.

The continuation of this work will make it possible to arrive at new strategies in therapeutic research in a future that scientists hope is near.



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