A potential broadside is on the way

Eastern Quebec has definitely been spoiled by circumstances for several weeks. The Gaspésie region accumulated nearly 7 times more snow than usual, with nearly 34 cm on the ground (as of November 26).

Quite strong low pressure systems have indeed punctuated the last few weeks in the sector. One even had the characteristics of a weather bomb and forced the closure of portions of Route 132.

Broadside en route

It’s not over: a disturbance should make its entrance on Sunday evening.

The Laurentides wildlife reserve, northern Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and Gaspésie are on the list. Nearly 15 cm of snow are possible in some places, but the broadside may be isolated. Sectors at high altitude, particularly in the Parc national de la Gaspésie, might be entitled to it, but they will be the exception rather than the rule.

Good to know : the term lined is used when snow accumulations equal to or greater than 15 cm are forecast.

The accumulations are likely to be modest for several sectors, oscillating between 5 and 10 cm. The north shore of the St. Lawrence River, due to lower temperatures, should be better off.

Southern Quebec, including the Montreal metropolitan area, would be entitled to rain. About ten millimeters are expected, but the accumulations might reach 20 mm in a localized way.

Risk of freezing rain

Freezing rain is also on radar for the Gaspé Peninsula, especially near Chaleur Bay. The expected amounts do not exceed 2 millimeters, but the surfaces might still be icy and slippery.


Since the freezing precipitation would arrive during the night from Sunday to Monday, the snow should cover the accumulations. Such a context might be treacherous, and caution will be required on the roads.

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