Healthy snacks: what to eat on a diet, diet nutrition – November 25, 2022

Evgeniya Gaeva

For those who are on the PP!

A snack, like the main meal, should be healthy, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is needed not only to satisfy the feeling of hunger that has arisen between meals, but also to further diversify the diet with nutrients.

Snacks like sandwiches, snacks, cookies and chocolate are not suitable for a snack – these are all empty carbohydrates that will only lead to a jump in blood sugar and will not give any satiety. An hour following such a snack, you will want to eat once more.

If you’re on a healthy diet, it’s important to think regarding additional meals ahead of time and incorporate them into your diet in a way that makes it even more balanced. In terms of calories, each snack should be 100-200 kcal.

Sport24 has prepared for you a list of healthy snacks that will not harm your figure and enrich your diet.

What to eat for a snack

Nuts/mixtures of nuts with dried fruits

Nuts are a source of vegetable protein, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, and iodine. Each type of nuts is useful in its own way. Walnuts improve brain activity, are indispensable in the prevention of heart and vascular diseases. Almonds lower blood cholesterol levels, are good for the brain and bones.

Do not forget that nuts are high in calories, and only 3-6 pieces can be consumed daily without harm to the figure.


Whole-grain breads are rich in coarse fiber, which, upon contact with gastric juice, swells and satisfies hunger for a long time, and then also removes toxins from the body. You can add avocado, light cheese, low-fat poultry liver pate. Since the bread absorbs moisture, such a snack must be accompanied by a sufficient amount of liquid.


Fruit and vegetable smoothies are a great option for those who lack vegetables and fruits in their diet. This drink is quick to prepare and satiates well. It normalizes the work of the digestive tract and provides the body with the necessary vitamins.

Prepare smoothies so that the bulk of the ingredients are greens and vegetables, and add fruit or berries for sweetness. Then smoothies will bring maximum benefits!

Dairy products

This is a very simple and convenient snack option, provided that fermented milk products are well tolerated. The ideal option here can be classic yogurt or cottage cheese without sugar and flavorings. You can add fruit or berries, seeds or nuts to it yourself, as well as honey as a sweetener. If a snack occurs on the road, drinking bioygurt or kefir will come to the rescue.

Fruits and berries

Green banana, apple, kiwi, peach, orange, plum are all examples of healthy fruit snacks. These products are well digested, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, and satisfy hunger.

Berries are also a great snack option, provided they’re in season. Otherwise, they will be of little use.

Dried fruit bars

They are easy to make at home and also found on store shelves. Choose only those that contain dried fruits, nuts and seeds. They should not contain sugar, chocolate and other additives. Otherwise, such a snack can no longer be considered useful.

boiled eggs

A chicken egg is a source of protein and healthy fats, it provides energy and perfectly satisfies hunger. Such a snack is quick to prepare and convenient to take with you, to enhance the taste, you can sprinkle it with a little salt, black pepper or any other favorite seasoning.

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