Climate activists paralyzed Berlin airport

Climate activists got stuck on two runways at Berlin-Brandenburg Airport yesterday followingnoon and temporarily paralyzed air traffic. According to the police, two groups of the “last generation” had entered the premises. Landing machines were diverted, numerous planes might not take off on time. After the action, the police took several people into custody.

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Sharp criticism from politics

There was sharp criticism from politicians. The deputy leader of the Greens in the German Bundestag, Konstantin von Notz, criticized the action as “counterproductive, presumptuous and potentially dangerous”.

“Protest actions of this kind are completely illegitimate and can no longer simply be accepted,” said Bijan Djir-Sarai, Secretary General of the opposition FDP. “The rule of law knows the necessary instruments to defend once morest such crimes. They must now be applied consistently: preventive detention, bans on residence, fines,” said Mario Czaja, Secretary General of the opposition CDU.

Left leader Martin Schirdewan, on the other hand, defended the “last generation” whose protest “put a finger on the wound of political inaction in the face of the climate catastrophe”.



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