Youth Progress Index (IPJ) qualifies Manizales as the Colombian city with the best well-being and quality of life for young people

  • The result is possible thanks to the work of the sector, the unions, the academy, the Mayor’s Office, among other fundamental actors.
  • This indicator took into account aspects and conditions of young people residing in the capital of Caldas.

The most recent diagnosis, prepared by the Corona Foundation and the Colombian Network of Cities How Are We Going, indicates that Manizales is the first city in the country with the best conditions of quality of life and well-being for the population between 14 and 28 years of age.

The study analyzed different aspects of the 15 main cities of the country, related to minimum requirements so that in a territory there are guarantees for young people in fields that impact both their individual and collective progress.

The capital of Caldas obtained an overall score of 80.4, followed by Montería with 73.5 and Medellín with 73.0. In addition, it is above cities such as Bogotá, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Pereira, among others.

“The effort of the private sector, unions, academia, health entities, foundations, the Mayor’s Office, among others, allows the municipality to continue improving its rating in the Index. It is regarding the will and the work of the whole city»said Mayor Carlos Mario Marín Correa.

The Index is made up of three dimensions:

  • Basic Human Needs: nutrition and basic medical care, water and sanitation, housing and personal security.
  • Wellness Fundamentals: access to basic knowledge, access to information and communications, health and well-being, quality of the environment.
  • Opportunities: personal rights, personal freedom and choice, inclusion and access to higher education.

The administrative effort of the Mayor’s Office, the private sector, unions, academia, health entities, foundations, among others, allows the municipality to continue improving its rating in the Index.

In this sense, the Manizales Mayor’s Office has made contributions such as The Pact for Youth, which allocated $22 billion for employment, education, participation, art and sports for this population. A strategy agreed with the local youth to listen to their requests and needs in dialogue tables that were held following the social outbreak last year.

During these meetings chaired by the mayor of Manizales, issues that deserved attention and actions planned over time were addressed. The assistants to the tables made their points of view known, which were taken into account by the Administration for the elaboration of the work plan.

Some of the most successful programs of this strategy are the job fairs, in which, together with the public agencies of Confa and Sena, and other private companies, we come together to offer more than 2,000 vacancies to young people looking for experience. labor.

We also encourage doing business with the Young Manizaleño More Entrepreneur program, who receive training for 6 months in finance, marketing and brand positioning; At the end of their training, the best ventures receive seed capital to continue with their business project.

Many other actions are part of the advancement and improvement of the quality of life that Manizales offers to young people, thanks to the work of all sectors of the city.

Click on the link to consult the results of the Index:

Results Youth Progress Index for Colombian cities 2021.

Data of interest

Manizales achieved the highest scores in each of the dimensions of the Index:

  • Basic Human Needs: 93,3.
  • Wellness Fundamentals: 76,4.
  • Opportunities: 71,6.



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