Without shame or shame in a cream bikini.. Nada Al-Kamel reveals her charm scandalously inside a nightclub and dances with a glass of wine.. Look at the hero

Today, social networking sites published a video of the great business owner in Egypt, Nada Al-Kamel, who knows social networking sites in the way of Ahmed Al-Fishawy, who appeared with him more than once in several festivals, where kisses multiplied more than once on screens and social networking sites for Nada Al-Kamil and Ahmed Al-Fishawy.

Where Nada Al-Kamil made a video clip of her on social media, and she was able to answer Nada Al-Kamil a short dress and fully exposed from the side of the chest with a thin strap, which revealed her beauty and her chest completely. .

She appeared in the video clip dancing in a very big way and swaying to the tunes of the songs of the artist and actor Mohamed Ramadan, and she was holding a drink in her hands in a cup and started having fun and dancing in the way of her charms and all areas of her body, as the dress was sticking to his body in a large way.

And rumors circulated in the past period regarding the return of Nada Al-Kamil to the artist Ahmed Al-Fishawy, but this is what Ahmed Al-Fishawy did and he stood in these laws and that there is no truth to that and that the return has become impossible for Nada Al-Kamil.



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