Ukraine: Russia bombs infrastructure and leaves kyiv without water or electricity

the Ukrainian capital, Kievwas left without water or electricity this Wednesday following a wave of bombardments of Russia that also hit other cities in Ukrainecausing the death of at least three people.

“Russian terrorists are attempting to destroy the energy supply facilities of Ukraine. Today there were explosions in various parts of the country,” Ukrainian Vice President Kyrylo Tymoshenko lamented on Telegram.

“A two-story building was damaged. There are three dead and six injured,” announced the regional administration of Kiev on Telegram, without giving further details.

The mayor of KievVitali Klitschko, pointed out that “an infrastructure site” was hit, and announced that due to the shelling the water supply is cut off throughout the capital of Ukraine.

The regional governor, Oleksi Kuleba, announced that “the entire region is without electricity.”

The Ukrainian private operator confirmed on Telegram “emergency power outages” in Kiev to try to “stabilize the situation as soon as possible”.

Shortly before the cuts, AFP journalists heard several explosions in the capital.

Two neighborhoods in the city of Lviv, in the west of Ukrainealso lost electricity following attacks by Russia to Ukrainian energy facilities, said its governor, Maxime Kozytsky.

Meanwhile, three nuclear power plants were disconnected from the electricity grid following Russian bombing.

70 cruise missiles

Russia on Wednesday fired “regarding 70 cruise missiles” at Ukrainiana, 51 of which were intercepted, according to a balance of the Ukrainian aeronautics following the bombings that caused massive electricity cuts.

“In total, regarding 70 Kh-101/Kh-555 ‘Kalibr’ cruise missiles were fired. The air defense forces destroyed 51 missiles. In addition, five lancet-type suicide drones were shot down in the south of the country,” the statement added. Ukrainian Air Force on Instagram.

The latest major attacks in kyiv date back to November 17, when the Russian army shelled several cities, leaving more than 10 million Ukrainians without electricity, according to President Volodimir Zelensky.

The attacks also had consequences in neighboring Moldova, where there were “massive power outages”.

bombed maternity

Also this Wednesday, the plenary session of the European Parliament approved a resolution that qualifies Russia as a “country promoter of terrorism” in the followingmath of the war once morest Ukraineand asked the 27 countries of the bloc to support this pronouncement.

The vote was “welcomed” by Zelensky, who stated that “Russia must be isolated at all levels and held accountable.”

The spokesperson for Russian diplomacy, Maria Zajárova, called the decision of the European Parliament “idiotic”.

In Vilnyansk, a city in the southern Zaporizhia region that is home to Europe’s largest Russian-controlled nuclear power plant, a newborn was killed overnight in Russian shelling that hit a maternity hospital.

“A two-story building that housed a maternity hospital was destroyed by a rocket attack in the local hospital sector,” Ukrainian relief services said.

In the place were, in addition to the creature, the mother and a doctor, the message indicated.

The emergency services released a video in which rescuers are seen trying to remove a man half buried in the rubble.

“The baby who was born two days ago died. His mother and a doctor were pulled from the rubble,” added the relief services.

“Our hearts are full of pain,” said Oleksandr Starukh, head of the Zaporizhia region.

“The enemy decided once once more to try to achieve through terror and murder what they might not achieve in nine months” since their invasion of UkraineZelensky wrote on Telegram.

The Ukrainian president promised that Russia “He will be held accountable for all the damage he has done to our country.”

The small city of Vilnyansk is located 45 km from the front line, in the north of the Zaporizhia region, most of which is occupied by Russian troops in the south following Moscow announced the annexation of this territory. By the end of September.

delivery of arms

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday it had recorded more than 700 attacks on Ukrainian health facilities since the Russian invasion began in February, which it said is “a clear violation” of international humanitarian law.

“Hundreds of hospitals and health centers are no longer fully operational,” Hans Kluge, WHO’s regional director for Europe, told a news conference in kyiv.

Despite heavy fighting, especially in the east, Moscow and kyiv continue to exchange prisoners of war.

“Today there was a new exchange with kyiv according to the 35 for 35 formula,” a senior official in the Russian occupation authority, Denis Pushilin, said on Wednesday.

For its part, London announced the dispatch of a first Sea King helicopter to Ukraine and plans to provide two more.

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, who is in Norway to discuss military support for Ukraine with his allies, also said London would send an additional 10,000 artillery rounds to Kiev.

(With information from AFP)


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