4 drinks that reduce chronic inflammation, ‘the root of all diseases’

Chronic inflammation in our body causes various problems along with pain. There are many cases where you gain weight, have joint pain, have skin problems, and are not tired. When bacteria or viruses enter the body, the inflammatory substances released by the immune system must subside the inflammation before it can harm the cells. When the immune system loses its momentum, inflammation becomes chronic and pain is exacerbated. Discover a simple drink that can soothe chronic inflammation.

The bramelain enzyme, which is abundant in pineapple, suppresses the action of proteins that cause various inflammatory diseases. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

Pineapple juice suppresses the action of proteins that cause inflammation

Sweet and sour pineapple juice has unexpected health benefits that we don’t know regarding. rich in pineapple The bramelain enzyme inhibits the action of proteins that cause various inflammatory diseases.do. Especially Relieves joint pain and swellingthere is According to the study, both patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis experienced anti-inflammatory and anti-analgesic effects of bromelain. Pineapple juice rich in potassium Relieves the inflammatory response caused by exerciseIt also helps to do

Ginger tea promotes blood circulation and warms the body

It was confirmed that eating ginger helps when joints are painful and stiff. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

Ginger tea is a representative health tea that protects your health in winter. especially ginger Warms the body by promoting blood circulation It works great to create. Drinking ginger tea when your stomach hurts and makes you feel sick makes you feel better. It is also good for inflamed joints. Researchers at the University of Miami in the US conducted an experiment on 247 osteoarthritis patients. Eating ginger helps when your joints are sore and stiffconfirmed the fact that

Beef Bone Broth to Relieve Chronic Inflammation

The soup made with beef or chicken bones is known in the West as good for ‘looking following’. This is because it is rich in protein, as well as various minerals and vitamins. Especially Collagen, Gelatin, Glycine, Glutamine etc. leads to a healthy intestinal ecosystem Helps strengthen the immune system and fight chronic inflammationdo. It is also easy to digest and absorb. You can use it as a gomtang-like menu, but it’s also good to drink it like hot tea.

Green tea contains anti-inflammatory catechins

Green tea is effective for those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

Green tea contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds called catechins.this is rich Catechins make the colon mucosa healthy by reducing cytokines that cause inflammation in the colon.. According to a paper published by researchers at Kyungpook National University in Korea, green tea is effective for those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. This is because polyphenols, including catechins, strengthen the intestinal epithelial barrier and help to build a healthy microbial ecosystem. If you drink green tea as a warm tea in winter, it also has a diet effect.

Reporter Lee Ji-won


” ⓒ ‘Honest Knowledge for Health’ Comedi.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited”



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