Colorectal cancer, a preventable cancer

Eating better would prevent having this cancer which is very widespread in Guadel and which is linked to our way of life and our diet. As part of the month of the social and solidarity economy, this video conference was to provide a better understanding of how to change our diet. A way also to protect yourself from many evils, including colon cancer

It is one of the most common cancers in Guadeloupe. The MGPS (General Mutual of Social Welfare) organized this Wednesday a videoconference on colon cancer today. An event that is part of the month of Social and Solidarity Economy with the participation of the head doctor of the nutrition department of the CHU of Guadeloupe.

The theme of this videoconference: “how to avoid colon cancer through nutrition” hosted by Doctor Marie-Laure Lalanne-Mistrih, head of the nutrition department at the Guadeloupe University Hospital.

Colorectal cancer has the particularity of being linked to our lifestyle and diet. This is where lies both the crux of the problem (eating too fat, too salty, too sweet) and the solution (eating balanced).

Philippe Romana, communications officer at the MGPS.

Philippe Romana, communications officer at the MGPS.

preventable cancer

Colorectal cancer develops from cells that line the inside lining of the colon or rectum. Most often, these malignant tumors arise from a benign tumor, called an adenomatous polyp, which grows slowly and eventually becomes cancerous.
It is a common cancer in both men and women, and it is the second leading cause of cancer death for all sexes combined.
Colorectal cancer mortality has been falling since the 1990s, while the incidence has remained stable in women and is decreasing in men.
The survival of people with colorectal cancer has improved over time.

Colorectal cancer can be discovered through screening.

Colorectal cancer can be discovered at an early stage through screening for fecal occult blood. An organized screening program is offered in France to all people aged 50 to 74.
Several modifiable risk factors relating to lifestyle (alcohol consumption, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, overweight and obesity, diet with low fiber consumption, excessive consumption of red meat or processed meats) have been identified and these cancers are therefore partly preventable: for example in 2015, it is estimated in metropolitan France that around 21.0% of colorectal cancers (excluding anal cancers) in people over 30 were attributable to alcohol consumption

Screening increases the chances of recovery by detecting and treating this cancer at an early stage. It also makes it possible to prevent certain cancers thanks to the detection of precancerous lesions. Fecal occult blood screening has been shown to reduce colorectal cancer mortality*. Set up in 2002 in 23 pilot departments, the organized screening program for colorectal cancer was extended to the whole territory from 2008. With the exception of Mayotte, all French departments have been covered since 2010.
One more reason to respond to the invitation to screening that we receive by mail.


©French Public Health

Modifiable risk factors

The main modifiable risk factors for colorectal cancer are:

Alcohol consumption

overweight, obesity


diets low in fiber, excessive in red meat or processed meats

sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity

(Documentation: Public Health France)

And for any information you can still call the 0690 28 73 86.



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