How did the prices change in the Angelmó Market after 9 months of controversial ticket?: review here | National

Nine months have passed since a controversial bill went viral following a lunch at the Angelmó Market, which exceeded 160,000 pesos. Radio Bío Bío went to the place and visited different places to see if prices went up or down. Was the change much? Details are below:

9 months following the ballot that caused controversy for its excessive price for a lunch in the Angelmó MarketRadio Bío Bío went to the renowned venue to see how values ​​have changed in recent months.

To speak of Puerto Montt is to speak of Angelmó, a typical neighborhood that has the gastronomic space par excellence of the regional capital of Los Lagos, but which was in the “eye of the storm” last February, for the aforementioned account that went viral on networks.

Four marinated pans cost 72,000 pesos, that is, $18,000 each; a salmon for $14,000; a hake, $12 thousand; a sucker, $18 thousand; a chicken for 12 thousand pesos; six drinks for $12,000, that is, two thousand each, and the bill ended with eight thousand pesos for two juices, four thousand each.

All this added up, the bill came out at 148,000 pesos, plus the 14,800 pesos of the suggested tip, the total was 162.800 pesos.

The paper with the sum was uploaded to Twitter and in a few minutes the Angelmó hashtag was already a national trend, with memes included that showed the “Angelmó waiters living in Dubai” and the tenants flaunting the wealth that was left of profit.

A situation that beyond the current joke on social networks was a hard blow for the cooks of the typical marketrecalls the leader of the tenants, Rosa González.

“We laughed, but still not stop being (…) one has a family behind, also has the people who work (…) so the damage is not seen to a single person”said Rosa González.

Back to the Angelmó market: how are the prices?

Nine months following the controversial ticket, Radio Bío Bío toured the halls of the typical market, comparing prices with the questioned account. The results were interesting.

The paila marina goes from the 7,800 pesos at $12 thousandfar from the $18,000 that they charged to tourists.

Salmon and hake -depending on the accompaniment and special sauces- do not vary much from the price charged last February, while the chupe, whether it is shellfish, locos, shrimp or crab, is cheaper than in February.

Prices in Angelmo market
Cristian Valdebenito | RBB

Chicken is the one that presents important differences as well, between two and five thousand pesos cheaper than the 12 thousand charged in the viralized ballot.

And finally, the drink and the natural juice are at the same price, with an average of two thousand and four thousand pesos respectively.

Drinks and juices in the Angelmó market
Cristian Valdebenito | RBB

Currently, grilled or buttered conger eel it costs regarding 10 thousand pesoswith added and salad, while at the poor borders on $12 thousand.

The glass of wine is regarding three thousand pesos and a liter of sea urchin punch for $13,000.

A curanto costs between 8,500 and 10 thousand pesoswith milcao, chapalele, smoked pork and sausage, and a mariscal or ceviche anda for the same price and can go up to $12 thousand.

On the other hand, if you prefer chops or steak, you can find them a few 7 thousand or 7,500 pesos with anything added except French fries.

compare before buying

It is to these differences that the leader Rosa González refers, where the main call is to tour the Angelmó market to compare.

“That they visit us with confidence, but that they travel, that they go directly to the premises, that do not get carried away by the people who are offering outside”indicated the leader of the tenants.

Above all, added Rosa González, people must choose freely, so that they do not “put everyone in the same bag”.

Consulted the mayor of Puerto MonttGervoy Paredes, announced that soon the beginning of the summer season will be worked and prices will be an issue, even considering the inflation that affects the country.

“In the case of Angelmó, we are going to ask them to review these situations, that they prices are reviewedbecause we expect a lot of people to come,” said the community chief.

Rosa González made it clear that all the controversy served to most joined moreto the point of forming a corporation that she now chairs, which among its objectives seeks to improve care.

“Many also try to improve, and that is what one always has to be doing: improve your local, serve your customers well, give a good serviceand I believe that this has been achieved”, said Rosa, who added that there are a few who do not.

They will not have security cameras.

Although as a black point were the announcements of more security with the installation of cameras, which the leader confirmed, will not be available.

“I think that it was a scam for usI understand that this was approved by the Council, they searched for the parts where the cameras were going to be placed, they came to make a presentation, and in the end it came to nothing,” he said.

Mayor Paredes acknowledged this, detailing that the tender fell through. “We have to tell them that we dropped the tenderbut not only of that, but where they are incorporated there are regarding 85, 86 cameras, where there was no bidder, ”explained the community chief.

These are the consequences of a complaint that had an impact, but that also moved the waters in a fundamental space for the projection of Puerto Montt with a tourist sense.

A point in favor is that if the prices are not in sight, no one refused to show the letter before making the decision to buy.

They also ask in the Angelmó Market that if someone wants to report bad prices or service, the location is clearly identified so as not to affect the rest.

But without a doubt, the most important thing regarding this experience is that each service also depends on whether Angelmó return to national popularityand even international that it had in the past.



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