Played the fantasy team center! The rumors of big NBA stars are also coming to Taiwan Ball commentary: Everyone is crazy |

Sports Center / Reported by Lin Qihua

Well-known football commentator Li Yishen mentioned in an article yesterday,

▲The well-known football commentator Li Yishen mentioned in an article yesterday, “Cousin (DeMarcus Cousins) is also coming.” (Picture / Recap from NBA Twitter)

After the former NBA superstar Dwight Howard came to Taiwan to join the Taoyuan Yongfeng Clouded Leopards of the T1 League, his every move was the focus of attention. Even if the game was suspended due to injury, the enthusiasm remained high. But this is not over, because the well-known ball commentator Li Yishen posted yesterday (22) that “Cousin (DeMarcus Cousins) is coming too”, and said that Taiwan’s professional basketball team will really be super lively, “Everyone is crazy.” .

The well-known football commentator Li Yishen posted an article yesterday evening, saying at the beginning that “my cousin is coming too”! He said that getting NBA “cousin” DeMarcus Cousins ​​(DeMarcus Cousins) to play in Taiwan’s professional basketball team is not just a gimmick, but will also produce terrifying “network volume” and “marketing publicity” effects. He also mentioned that if his cousin really comes to Taiwan to play, then “Warcraft + Cousin”, Taiwan’s professional basketball team will really be super lively, and everyone will go crazy! Li Yishen also said that he hoped the rumor was true, and revealed in the message, “It has been rumored for a week, and my sixth sense + intuition is my cousin.” Now some people in the football world have confirmed that the T1 Kaohsiung family Poseidon is in contact with Cassens.

Li Yishen introduced that his cousin is 32 years old and 208 cm tall. He was selected as the center of the All-Star Game from 2015 to 2018 and won the gold medal for the US team in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Many netizens were also very excited following reading Li Yishen’s post, “What’s wrong with Taiwan, it’s suddenly so high”, “In addition to other rumors, if it comes true, it’s really a small NBA in Taiwan”, but some people pointed out The cousin’s attitude is problematic, “you must be able to control it, if you follow Taiwan’s rules, you may commit six crimes at any time.”



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