cold!Light snow solar term, my country’s average temperature first breaks the freezing point and snow probability list to see where the first snow is coming-News-Science Network

cold!Light snow solar term, my country’s average temperature breaks the freezing point for the first time, the probability list of snow encounters to see where the first snow is coming

China Weather Network News Today (November 22), all parts of my country entered the light snow solar term, which is the second solar term in winter, which means that the weather is getting colder and snowfall is spreading day by day. Usually at this time, the winter territory continues to expand from the Huanghuai area to the south, the national average temperature will also drop below freezing point, and many places in the north will usher in the first snow.China weatherInternetDon’t roll out the first snow during light snowmapAnd the list of the probability of “snow encounter” in big cities to see which cities have the strongest “winter feeling”.

The weather is gradually getting colder during the perennial light snow, and the national average temperature drops below freezing point

Xiaoxue is divided into three periods: the first period is when the rainbow is hidden; the second period is when the weather rises and the earth’s atmosphere drops; This season, the weather turns cold, the precipitation changes from rain to snow, everything loses its vitality, and the world turns into a severe winter.

As can be seen from the evolution chart of the average temperature of each solar term in autumn and winter in my country, the national average temperature fell below the freezing point for the first time in the second half of the year in the light snow solar term, directly dropping from 3.4°C in Lidong to -0.1°C. Entering the really cold winter one following another.

The first snowfall in the country during the light snow solar termmapThe Huanghuai River in North China may welcome the first snow in winter

“Xiaoxue is cold and the snow is falling, the ground is not too cold and the snow is not too big.” During the Xiaoxue solar term, the weather is cold and the precipitation changes from rain to snow. So it is called Xiaoxue.

According to Shi Yan, a meteorological analyst at China Weather Network, all year round, North China and the Huanghuai area will usher in the first snow during the light snow solar term. It’s time for the first snow of winter.

However, our country has a vast territory, and the time of first snow varies greatly from place to place. Most areas in the Northeast and Northwest have already ushered in the first snow before the light snow solar term. Only then did I see snow.

The probability ranking of “snow encounter” in the light snow solar term Urumqi won the championship in the northern city group

China Weather Network has collected snowfall data of provincial capital cities from 1991 to 2020. During the light snow solar term, the average number of snowfall days in Urumqi can reach 6.8 days, and the probability of “snow encounter” exceeds 40%. The probability of “snow encounter” in Harbin and Changchun is 29.8 % and 23.6%. In addition, Shenyang, Hohhot, Xining, and Lanzhou also have a 10-20% snowfall probability during this solar term.

From light snow to the beginning of winter, it is the right time to pickle the winter wax

After the light snow solar term, the temperature drops sharply and the air becomes drier, which is very suitable for pickling and storing food in winter. Therefore, there is a folk custom of “salting with winter wax and storing for winter”.

my country’s Guangdong, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and other places have always had the custom of pickling sausages. People will kill pigs and sheep during the light snow festival, and use salt with a certain proportion of spices such as pepper, anise, star anise, cinnamon, and cloves. , pickled, air-dried, and made into preserved meat for the New Year to enjoy.

Some areas in the north are used to making sauerkraut and pickling pickles during the light snow solar term. In ancient times, in order to have enough vegetables to eat in the long winter, people pickled all kinds of vegetables (cabbage, radish, etc.) to prolong their storage time as much as possible for winter consumption. Although it is no longer a problem to keep vegetables fresh in winter, the custom of pickling is still preserved, and sauerkraut and pickled vegetables have become special delicacies in some places. reminds you that cured meat and pickled vegetables contain high salt content. Please pay attention to the amount when enjoying the taste. It is best to eat them with vegetables rich in vitamin C. In addition, following the light snow solar term, the weather is getting colder. Friends should prepare scarves, gloves and other cold-proof equipment, and add clothes in time to prevent colds.

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