Chickens and ducks sing together!The white-feather meat duck industry chain is booming. Related listed companies are actively expanding production Industry News_Stock Channel_Securities Star

(Original title: Chickens and ducks sing together! The industry chain of white-feathered meat ducks is booming. Related listed companies are actively expanding production|Industry trends)

News from the Associated Financial Press, November 22 (Reporter Xiao Lianghua)The introduction of white-feathered broiler chickens was hindered, and the prosperity of the industrial chain was quite high. However, because white-feather broiler ducks and white-feather broilers have a certain degree of complementarity or even substitution, the industry’s prosperity also increased significantly in the second half of the year. “Since the second half of the year, the price of commodity ducklings has risen from 2 yuan/feather to more than 7 yuan/feather, and the price of feather ducks has also increased by 1 yuan per catty. Recently, with the end of the peak of stocking, the price of ducklings has increased. Falling back.” The person in charge of a Shandong white-feathered meat duck breeding enterprise told the reporter of the Financial Associated Press.

At the level of listed companies, ST Huaying (002321.SZ) is an enterprise in the whole industry chain of white-feathered meat ducks. Yike Food (301116.SZ) duck seedlings and duck meat products account for nearly half of the revenue. New Hope (000876.SZ), Xiangjia Co., Ltd. (002982.SZ) also has related businesses. “Previously, the meat duck industry often lagged behind the broiler industry, but this cycle is almost synchronized. The company’s profits in the second half of the year are much higher than in the first half. If the impact of foreign bird flu continues to stimulate and the price of pigs rises steadily, the industry will be prosperous It is expected to last for a long time.” Faced with a call from a reporter from the Financial Associated Press as an investor, the staff of ST Huaying Securities Department said so.

The meat duck industry chain is booming

Since the second half of the year, the parent generation of white-feathered broiler breeders has increased by more than 200%, and the price of commercial generation chicks has also doubled. In the second half of the year, the price of the meat duck industry chain, which is also in the poultry industry, also rose hugely.

According to Mysteel’s agricultural product statistics, in the first half of the year, the price of commercial white-feathered meat duck seedlings once fell below 2 yuan/feather, but in the third quarter, the price of seedlings broke through the high level of the year and rose to around 7 yuan/feather, an increase far exceeding that of commercial white-feather broiler chickens Seedling. Seedling prices continued to rise in the first ten days of October. In November, most small and medium-sized enterprises entered the incubation period. The support for seedling prices weakened, and prices continued to decline step by step. As of now, the overall is still running at a high level.

A reporter from the Financial Associated Press noted that the price fluctuations of white-feathered meat ducks and feather ducks are basically the same as those of ducklings. The difference is that the price of duck seedlings dropped in mid-to-early November, but the price of duck meat continued to rise due to the demand driven by the pickling season in the south and the high initial cost.

According to the statistics of Shanghai Steel Union, the average price of ducks in the first half of this year was 3.84 yuan/catties, and the price of ducks in November remained above 5 yuan/catties, a relatively large increase from the first half of the year.

The relevant person in charge of Yike Food told the reporter of the Financial Associated Press that the industry has experienced a long period of downturn, and the production capacity on the supply side has been reduced, which has supported the rise in the price of white feather meat duck chain products. “The supply of ducklings increased in the second half of the year, so the price has dropped. Although the ancestors of white-feathered meat ducks are bred in China, there will not be a gap caused by introduction like white-feathered chickens, but it will still take some time for the production capacity of biological assets to recover. The current increase The supply is relatively limited.”

In this regard, He Liming, a duck industry analyst at the Agricultural Products Division of Shanghai Iron and Steel Union, told a reporter from the Financial Associated Press that although duck is a red meat, its cycle is more closely related to pigs, but historically, pigs, chickens, and ducks are all related, showing synchronization or sequentially. The above-mentioned person in charge of Yike Foods also said that the duck neck and duck intestines in white feather duck products are mainly used as snack foods and have little relationship with broiler chickens, but duck breast meat can replace chicken in the group meal market. Duck is usually slightly cheaper than chicken, but this year the prices are close.

Regarding the price trend of the meat duck industry chain in the later stage, He Liming believes that due to the short-term suspension of incubation and the continuous impact of downstream games, the support for breeding egg and seedling prices will be weak until the end of November. In the medium and long term, there is still support from the perspective of national emergence and market demand. The recent drop in seedling prices will lead to a reduction in the cost of ducks in late December. However, there are many traditional festivals in December and the delivery of products is speeding up. The price of ducks may fluctuate as a whole.

Relevant listed companies are actively expanding production

With the new boom cycle of the industry, relevant listed companies are actively expanding production.

The above-mentioned person in charge of Yike Foods told the reporter of the Financial Associated Press that the company’s current annual output of chicken seedlings and ducklings is regarding 100 million and 180 million respectively, and the self-supply rate is only regarding one-third. Currently, it is actively increasing production capacity and improving self-supply. Proportion. “In terms of ducklings, the company’s subsidiary Zhongke Breeding Poultry plans to jointly invest with Huaying Agriculture to establish Heze Yihua Breeding Poultry Co., Ltd. to operate the ‘White Feather Meat Duck Breeding and Incubation Project’. In terms of chicken fry, the company recently acquired a chicken fry company in Hebei Breeding company Taiwan Dacheng.”

In terms of ST Huaying, the relevant person in charge of the company said that the company’s breeding poultry breeding, hatching, commercial duck breeding and slaughtering are currently in the stage of continuous recovery of production capacity. Match downstream slaughter capacity.

A reporter from the Financial Associated Press noted that Cherry Valley Breeding Technology Co., Ltd., the only supplier of domestic cherry valley duck ancestor ducklings, is sprinting for an IPO on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the second half of this year. The total investment of this proposed investment project is 258 million yuan. Fundraising of 184 million yuan, the main fundraising projects are the Cherry Valley Breeding Center project and the duckling hatchery and scientific research office building project with an annual hatching of 10 million ducks.

(Editor: Cao Jingchen)



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