“Mysterious” puzzles in Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting | From here and there | Jordan news increased

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“Mona Lisa”, the most famous painting by the Italian painter “Leonardo da Vinci”, attracts more than 6 million visitors to the Louvre Museum in the French capital annually, but have you ever thought about what makes the “Mona Lisa” so famous?

Who is Mona Lisa?

A number of experts in the world said the art The Mona Lisa is Isabella d’Este, a woman of noble Italian family, and others assert that she is Costanza de Avalos, Duchess of Francavilla.

Later, scholars suggested that the person in the picture was the painter Leonardo da Vinci himself, while others indicated that he was Da Vinci’s assistant, who accompanied him for 20 years.

Other scholars believed that the person in the painting was Gian Giacomo Caprotti, da Vinci’s lover.

On the other hand, many theories confirmed that the painting may have started as a picture from life, but over the years da Vinci worked on it, developing it into an “abstract vision of the female.”

Today, most experts and scholars agree that the Mona Lisa is a portrait of Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo, the wife of a Florentine silk merchant, noting that Lisa met da Vinci in 1503, when she was 24 years old.

hidden characters

LV’s characters Eye right
LV’s characters Eye rightBrightside site
In 2010, Silvano Vince claimed, president The Commission Italian National Cultural Heritage, that he noticed two letters carefully drawn in the Mona Lisa’s right eye, namely: LV (Leonardo da Vinci’s initials), while in Eye Left saw letters BE C.

At that time, the Louvre Museum, in which the painting has been displayed since, responded years With a statement he said, what Vincenti saw were just “microscopic cracks” in the painting’s paint and nothing more.

broken background

The landscape behind Mona Lisa’s head is higher on the right than on the left; This makes connecting the two landscapes difficult.

Experts say that this view makes Mona Lisa appear taller and more erect when viewed from the left than from the right.

Mysterious smile

In 2000, scientists from Harvard University said that when you look into Mona Lisa’s eyes, her mouth is in black and white peripheral vision (which are the shadows of her mouth); This makes her smile appear wider, but her smile diminishes when you look at her mouth directly from the front.

Experts assert that Mona Lisa’s smile changes according to her angle of view, making her appear alive, and making her “mysterious”.

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The unknown bridge

Experts say the landscape behind the Mona Lisa looks “unrealistic”, but the visible bridge may be one Leonardo knew, most likely the Ponte Buriano in Tuscany.

But in 2011, a researcher claimed it was the Bobbio Bridge over the Trebia, which was washed away by a flood in 1472.

Mona Lisa took Da Vinci 4 years to finish it, and it was said that he took it with him wherever he went, but he did not sign it and did not write any date on it. The painting even moved with him to France during the last years of his life.

Before his death, Da Vinci sold the painting to King François I, but kept it out of sight for nearly 200 years.

In 1799 he saw the painting “Napoleon Bonaparte”, got it and hung it in his bedroom, and in 1804 the painting was seen for the first time in public in the Louvre Museum.

A number of doctors examined the image of the Mona Lisa, and in 2010, an Italian doctor said that the swelling around the Mona Lisa’s eyes was evidence of her suffering from cholesterol. While other doctors confirmed that she was suffering from facial paralysis, some indicated that she was “deaf”.

Experts said that the look of satisfaction on Mona Lisa’s face indicated that she was pregnant, while dentists assumed that she suffered from “compulsive bruxism”; Because the line of her upper lip indicates that her front teeth are missing, which increases the possibility of her exposure to domestic violence.

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