Causes of colon gas – here are the symptoms and ways to prevent them

07:38 PM

Monday, November 21, 2022

Books – Saber Najah:

Colon gas is one of the common digestive problems around the world. It usually occurs due to wrong daily habits and causes those affected by it to have a disturbing set of symptoms.

In the following lines, “The Consulto” reviews everything related to colon gases, according to the “Clevelandclinic” website.

What are colon gases?

A mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, and methane. When these gases mix with intestinal bacteria, they develop a foul sulfur odor.

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Causes of colon gases

1- Too much carbohydrates

Excess carbohydrates available in sweets, potatoes, corn and pastries lead to the formation of colon gases, because the small intestine lacks some enzymes needed to digest them.

When undigested food reaches the colon, beneficial bacteria break it down, creating hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

In some people, intestinal bacteria also produce methane.

2- Eat a lot of fiber

Fiber takes a long time to digest, and with too much fiber, it ferments in the intestines, leading to flatulence, due to the buildup of gas in the colon.

3- swallowing air

Some people commit wrong habits throughout the day, which cause them to swallow a large amount of air, which accumulates in the form of gases in the colon, such as eating, speaking quickly, drinking soft drinks, chewing gum, and smoking.

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Colon gas symptoms

The presence of gases in the colon can be inferred from the following symptoms:

– belching.


Farting constantly.

Categories exposed to colonic gases

There are groups more susceptible to colon gases, namely:

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

Lactose intolerant patients.

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

– Patients with intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Those who take diabetes, irritable bowel and scleroderma medications.

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When colon gas calls for a visit to the doctor?

Colon gas calls for a doctor’s visit immediately, if it is accompanied by some symptoms, including:

– Abdominal pain.

Sudden or chronic diarrhea.

– fever.


– vomiting.

– The appearance of blood in the stool.

fatty stools

Unexplained weight loss.

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Diagnosis of colonic gases

After evaluating the symptoms and examining the patients’ family history, the doctor asks the patient to perform a set of tests to diagnose the cause of colonic gases, most notably:

– Blood analysis.

Hydrogen breath test, to see if the patient has lactose intolerance or an overgrowth of intestinal bacteria.


X-ray imaging of the gastrointestinal tract.

Complications of colon gases

Pain in the left side of the colon caused by gas can cause chest pain, which makes it more difficult to diagnose certain diseases, such as heart attack and angina.

While pain in the right side of the colon, it may overlap with pain caused by gallstones and appendicitis.

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Ways to prevent colon gases

Eat foods rich in carbohydrates and fiber in moderation.

Chewing food well.

– Do not drink soft drinks.

Avoid sugars.

Quit smoking permanently.

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