Iron Rich Foods: How to Prevent a Deficiency

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia worldwide. This is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin up to 100 g / l in women, up to 120 in men.

Iron deficiency may result from:

  • blood loss – nosebleeds, heavy menstruation, gastrointestinal, kidney pathology, which is accompanied by hematuria;
  • massive blood loss – extensive burns, injuries, uncontrolled donation;
  • decrease in the level of absorbed iron – helminthic invasion, senile age, problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • deficiency of iron intake – an improperly selected diet, starvation, vegetarianism;
  • increase in the level of essential iron – pregnancy, lactation, active growth in adolescence, frequent SARS.

Finally, disturbances in the erythrocyte membrane are associated with the process of hematopoiesis. Tumors, exposure to inhibitors, genetics, or bone marrow problems can all contribute to anemia.

We figure out which foods are high in iron and how to prevent a deficiency.

What is the importance of iron and its functions in the body

Iron is an essential element for hematopoiesis. About 70 percent of the iron in the human body is found in red blood cells, called hemoglobin, and in muscle cells, called myoglobin.

  • Hemoglobin needed to carry oxygen in the blood from the lungs to the tissues.
  • myoglobin in muscle cells receives, stores, transports and releases oxygen.

With anemia, the amount of hemoglobin decreases, which can lead to hypoxia of organs and tissues, since a small amount of oxygen is delivered to the cells. This poses a great danger to the brain, since nerve cells die during hypoxia, which subsequently leads to personality degradation.

Why is it still necessary to know the iron content in food and how is it useful for the body? Iron is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. It is part of some proteins necessary for respiration and energy metabolism, and is also present as a component of enzymes involved in the synthesis of collagen and some neurotransmitters.

About a quarter of all iron in the body is stored as ferritin, found in cells and circulating in the blood. The average adult male has regarding 1,000 mg of stored iron (enough for regarding three years), while women on average only have regarding 300 mg (enough for regarding six months).

When iron intake is chronically low, iron stores can become depleted. This will lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. A direct consequence will be the development of iron deficiency anemia.

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What is the danger of iron deficiency

If left untreated, iron deficiency anemia can make a person more susceptible to disease and infection: iron deficiency affects the body’s natural defense system.

Severe iron deficiency anemia can increase your risk of developing complications that affect your heart or lungs, such as an abnormally fast heartbeat (tachycardia) or heart failure, when your heart can’t pump enough blood around your body at the right pressure.

Pregnant women with severe anemia or in the absence of appropriate therapy have a higher risk of intrauterine developmental disorders, complications during and following childbirth.

How do you know when it’s time to see a doctor? What are the signs of anemia?

Many people with iron deficiency anemia have only a few symptoms. The severity of symptoms largely depends on how quickly the disease develops. You may notice symptoms right away, or they may develop gradually, such as if the anemia is caused by a chronic condition such as a stomach ulcer.

The most common symptoms include:

  • fatigue and lack of energy
  • ragged breathing
  • muscle weakness
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
  • flashing “flies” before the eyes
  • pale complexion

Less common symptoms:

  • headache
  • tinnitus
  • altered sense of taste
  • quickly
  • painful or abnormally smooth tongue
  • hair loss
  • desire to eat inedible objects such as ice, paper, or clay (pika)
  • difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
  • painful open sores (sores) at the corners of the mouth
  • bulging nails (spoon-shaped)

Norm of iron

Making a diet that includes foods high in iron is a great way to prevent anemia. The main thing to determine: what is your rate?

  • 18 mg/day is the amount of iron needed daily for a 14–18 year old girl and an adult woman under 45
  • 15 mg/day is the recommended daily allowance for an adult male
  • 10 mg/day is the optimal dose for toddlers 1 to 7 years old

If you have a chronic disease that can interfere with the absorption of iron (renal failure, stomach ulcers, etc.), the dose must be increased. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the optimal rate.

Excessive anxiety regarding health can play a cruel joke on you.

Nausea, abdominal pain, and constipation are symptoms of too much hemoglobin and iron-boosting foods in your diet. This usually happens if the daily intake exceeded 20 mg.

How to correctly compose a diet for iron deficiency and not overdo it? Carefully study the list of foods containing iron in large quantities and calculate the optimal portions.

10 foods with the highest iron content

  1. Beef. Red meat helps fight anemia. The amount of iron in the product is 3.5 mg per 100 g. Give preference to the liver: stew it with herbs. Cook meat in the oven, double boiler or cook in the classic way. This way you get the double benefit of increasing your iron content in your diet and lowering your cholesterol levels.
  2. Sesame. What foods have the most iron? Incredible, but true: 100 g of sesame contains 114% of the daily iron requirement for an adult male – 19.2 mg. This product is versatile: add it to a fresh salad or pastries.
  3. Seaweed and seaweed. An indispensable product for iron deficiency: in spirulina 28.5 mg per 100 g. Seaweed wins compared to sesame: the iron content in the product is much higher.
  4. Wheat bran. Vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C and E – the usefulness of the product is difficult to overestimate. Among the minerals are potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and the product is useful for iron – as much as 10.6 mg per 100 g. Bran provides a feeling of satiety for a long time, so they are often included in the diet when losing weight. Eat them for breakfast with fermented milk products, fruits and berries.
  5. Soy. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and iron in your food. So, 100 g contains 13.7 mg of iron. This makes soy products indispensable for a vegetarian diet.
  6. Lentils. Stewed with vegetables or mushrooms, boiled with feta cheese and green peas, as a hearty filling for a pie or as a central ingredient in soup – lentils can greatly diversify the diet. This product containing iron and increasing hemoglobin is one of the most delicious ways to prevent anemia. Judge for yourself: 7.39 mg per 100 g, that is, more than 50% of the daily requirement.
  7. Eggs. Iron in the product is found more in the yolk. Moreover, it is a valuable source of phosphorus, many vitamins necessary for the body (A, D, B4 and B5, H and others) and amino acids.
  8. Walnuts. What foods are high in iron? Cashew! 100 g of these nuts contains 6.7 mg iron. For comparison: same 4.7 mg in hazelnuts 3,9 in pistachios, 2,9 in a walnut.
  9. Dried apricots. What foods to choose with a lack of iron in the body? Delicious. Dried apricots are an excellent substitute for fatty, high-calorie desserts. Add to porridge or just eat as a snack with tea – 100 g of the product contains 2.7 mg of iron.
  10. Dark chocolate. The topic of healthy and tasty desserts would not have been fully disclosed if we had not mentioned this product for raising iron. The cocoa content should be at least 45-59%. In this case, you can count on 8 mg per 100 g. This is perhaps the most pleasant way to find more than 50% of the daily value of iron in food.

Who is especially useful for these products: tips on how to use them

Foods high in iron are especially indicated for pregnant women: for them, maintaining the optimal level of the microelement will reduce the risks of intrauterine disorders, spontaneous abortions, preterm birth and complications in the postpartum period. A balanced diet may be sufficient to maintain iron levels, and medications in tablet form are often recommended if anemia is at risk. If the expectant mother has problems with the absorption of the trace element through the intestines (for example, a chronic gastrointestinal disease may prevent this), the drug is administered intravenously.

Mature women are also at potential risk.

For many, the period of menstruation is accompanied by heavy, prolonged and painful periods. Loss of blood provokes a decrease in iron in the blood. The method of restoring the microelement in such cases is determined by the doctor.

For most people, preventing anemia is a matter of proper, balanced nutrition. What other foods contain iron? When compiling a diet, pay attention also to spinach, sunflower seeds, brown rice, fish (salmon, tuna) and raisins. Read the labels of the products you buy. Usually they mention iron in a separate line. So, if the product contains 5–10% of the daily value, it can hardly be considered a full-fledged source of the trace element. 10-20% is the best option, above 20% – a product rich in iron is indispensable for anemia.

The bioavailability of the trace element may change if you consume foods that have undergone primary processing. It is better to buy healthy ingredients and cook them at home yourself.

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