BELLA VISTA, ETERNALLY IN LOVE WITH HER BEAUTIFUL CHIQUINQUIRÁ • Diario de Los Andes, news from Los Andes, Trujillo, Táchira and Mérida

Speech given by Morelia Valero, this November 18, on the occasion of the celebration of the solemn mass in honor of the Virgin of Chiquinquirá in Bella Vista:






Beautiful is God, in all his splendor: his beauty surpasses the imagination of all possible forms of beauty; his sensitivity accompanies without any limit the constant weakness of a people who know that, without God, every plan is destined to fail and be forgotten.

God, shows in the maternal beauty of the pretty one from Nazareth, a permanent love for life and a supernatural care for the family. The incarnate life of Jesus in the womb of Mary was determined by the humble and obedient character of the sweet Lady, who, through her docility, accepted the motherhood that would bring salvation to the world. It was from the motherhood of Mary, where the new nature of man, redeemed by Christ, became possible.

Today, the maternal word Mother is at risk of being extinguished. An ideological and bloodthirsty dictatorship is imposing its model of death, without taking into account the moral disaster embodied in the exercise of the laws, which, in honor of such a lofty misfortune, are being approved. Laws that seem to be drawn up by the devil himself, worship death and sexual licentiousness; Laws that approve abortion without any restrictions and the marriage of an endless number of genders are the cause of celebration for some minorities, who, in the exercise of their rights, are leaving families and the church founded by Christ without any rights.

This advantageous escalation in the legal system of many countries is dismembering family values, reducing the exercise of its authority to the mere provision of material goods and services, prohibiting parents from the irreplaceable role of forming and influencing the development of mores. of their children.

The beautiful Chiquinquirá with the half moon at her feet, claims with her motherly strength for the children and their spiritual protection. Her immaculate heart intercedes for the lives of the thousands of children who are aborted because of sin. She longs for the families of this and any community to be humble and recognize that only God, expressed in his Trinitarian nature, will be able to save our family from this atomic and perverted impact. She constantly intercedes for families, but she also knows how little or how much we talk regarding God in our homes. In the same way, he suffers from the abandonment and little appreciation that we have for the Eucharist and reminds us in his patronage that an extraordinary Catholic building is of little use, when the majority of its inhabitants express their indifference and reluctance, before the grace granted by God at the altar of consecration.

María de Nazaret, under the dedication of Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, proposes to us from her maternal love, to pray and work for the honor and responsibility of our families. The minds of our children and young people are being bombarded with anti-values, many times with the consent of fathers and mothers who have abandoned Christian formation, considering it demanding and compromising. We are allowing the cognitive hacking of the minds of our children and young people, little by little, turning them into beings without social or spiritual reference, abandoned to the fate of social networks designed in their greatest content, by a hatred towards life and a contempt for families.

In this sense, our community of Bella Vista, fearlessly expresses an unconditional defense for life from its conception. Life belongs to God and only God has it. In the same way, we express with community joy that La Chinita has taught us to love marriage, under the concepts defended by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, whose doctrinal and theological basis is written in the

God’s word. Out of fidelity to the blessed grace that adorns the veneration of this Marian invocation, we bellavisteros face up to everything that wants to destroy what God has established as a natural order: Man and Woman he created them and gave them the biological and ethical order to reproduce The humanity.

On the other hand, but in the same degree of importance, the love of La Patrona for the families of our community, happens today on the day of her feast to remind us that her maternity demands of us fidelity to the Word of God, love for the sacramental life, attendance at the Eucharist, because for God a majestic but empty Temple is unattractive, a neat and beautiful Tabernacle, without anyone visiting it. Today, when the desire for our community to be erected as an ecclesiastical parish grows, we must recognize that the achievement of this objective depends on everyone, that this temple is the home of our faith, it is the most important reference in our community history. Here we have celebrated the triumph of Jesus Christ, which represents the triumph of Jesus Christ over death.

Today dear Mother, we return to your party, proposing that you help us believe that we can achieve this noble purpose. We need your mother protection. We want to be a parish, because we yearn to live the daily feast of the Holy Eucharist and have a pastor resident among us, who drives us to the pastoral work that comes from the apostolic foundations. We want to be a parish, because we love the Catholic Church, whose shelter we have been covered by a faith that roots our lives and we want to profess it today and always.

Hail Sweet Lady, live in us precious and beautiful Aurora, that your so protective light, give us courage and courage, to undertake this journey, making the path noble, where every neighbor, of your beloved Bella Vista, becomes a voice and home of your humility so SACRED.


Advocate Morelia Cecilia Valero Rendón”

A thousand apologies Citizen Morelia Valero

In view of the inconvenience caused to Citizen Morelia Valero, due to the misinterpretation of her intervention on November 18, on the occasion of the celebration of the solemn mass in honor of the Virgin of Chiquinquirá in Bella Vista by the signatory of this note , journalist José Rojas, CNP 25.946, and published in the DLA, on 11-20-22. I respectfully ask the greatest apology to the lawyer Valero.

Jose Rojas CNP 25,946




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