can we still get this aid of 300 euros?

The Transitional Solidarity Prime (PTS) is an aid granted to a certain category of the population. This allowance is paid monthly and is granted subject to means testing. The amount of this aid can reach 300 euros. What is the Transitional Solidarity Bonus (PTS)? Can we still get this help? Who can perceive it? We explain everything to you in this article.

Transitional Solidarity Premium (PTS)

The Transitional Solidarity Premium is an aid that was introduced by the government July 17, 2015. It is paid under conditions to job seekers. It makes it possible to bridge the period between the end of unemployment benefits and the start of the retirement pension.

It should be noted that this aid is given to people over 60. It is granted until they reach the minimum legal retirement age. For information: many changes are planned for retirees in November 2022.

The amount of this aid, paid by Employment centeris of 300 euros per month. Moreover, this allowance can be combined with earned income and its amount will then be reassessed according to income.

Can you still get the Transitional Solidarity Bonus?

It is important to note that this help was recently removed. However, people who receive this allowance will continue to receive it until retirement age.

In order to benefit from the Transitional Solidarity Premiumcertain conditions are required:

  • You must be born between January 1, 1954 and December 31, 1955
  • Be at least 60 years old and not have reached the legal retirement age
  • No longer entitled to unemployment benefits (ARE)
  • perceive theSpecific Solidarity Allowance (ASS) or the Solidarity labor income (RSA)
  • You have to justify quarterly contributions necessary for old-age insurance and have contributed 166 quarters
  • Your income must not exceed the monthly income cap : 1,669.44 euros maximum for a single person and 2,399.83 euros for a couple

Finally, note that the recipients of the Transitional Solidarity Premium can also benefit from the Christmas bonus paid during the month of December.



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