Why do we not see sunlight in space?

Heinrich Olbers did not know how to sit in God’s safety. He looked at the sky and said: All these stars and the sky is dark? Dear Heinrich: Your question is valid. If God destined you to live until humans ascend to space, you would know that the sun there is not like the sun here.
This is called the Olbers paradox following that German cosmologist.
Light needs a conducting medium to pass from one point to another; But space has dark matter and energy that are ninety-five percent, that’s something.
The second thing is that the stars do not reach us until a long time following they pass within our range of vision, because the light takes a long time to travel the distance between us and the star..it depends on the distance; We do not see the star, but we see its image and its past.
It remains that the lights of the stars are in wavelengths that the human eye does not see most of them, just as the earth’s atmosphere filters the light, so we see it in contrast to what is seen outside this atmosphere.



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