Surprise..a type of vegetable that reduces harmful cholesterol by 40%

06:00 PM

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Books – Sayed Metwally

High levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood are a common cause of stroke and heart disease, but getting cholesterol levels out of the danger zone can be challenging, often requiring medication, eliminating certain bad habits, or even a major lifestyle overhaul.

There are few things that can make your efforts easier, like taking sulforaphane. The sulfur-rich compound, found in many green leafy vegetables, can lead to a “significant” drop in “bad” cholesterol levels, according to the British newspaper express.

Broccoli is one of the few foods that is high in sulforaphane, which makes it a great addition to a cholesterol-lowering diet.

In 2016, a study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology and Medicine found that sulforaphane — which is found in broccoli — can cause a dramatic drop in LDL cholesterol levels.

The researchers from Mansoura University in Egypt divided a group of rabbits into three groups, one that was fed normally, the second was fed a high-cholesterol diet, and the latter received a high-cholesterol diet plus sulforaphane supplements.

The feeding continued for four weeks. After this time, the rabbits given sulforaphane had a 40 percent decrease in LDL cholesterol in their blood compared to the rabbits that were just fed high-cholesterol substances. The researchers also observed a 70-point decrease in triglyceride levels.

Triglycerides are another type of blood fat, and they’re an essential source of energy, but too much of them can also lead to an increased risk of heart disease.

According to the Cholesterol Charity Heart UK, “High triglycerides are known to contribute to the risk of other cardiovascular diseases, and very high triglyceride levels can cause serious medical conditions such as pancreatitis.”

The researchers also discovered that sulforaphane has an effect in improving the vascular function of rabbits, and that it reduces inflammatory markers in the blood vessels of rabbits. The main limitation of the study was that it was in rabbits, not humans.

However, the signs are encouraging. A recent study published in the European Heart Journal found that roughly one apple and a large serving of broccoli per day can reduce the risk of stroke by 13 percent.

The findings were likely due to the foods’ cholesterol-lowering properties, experts told the Times. There are previous studies that support the author’s claim.

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Why is broccoli so useful?

Broccoli is considered a superfood, and not surprisingly, the food has many other benefits, and it also contains lutein, which is known to improve eye health.

“Eating foods that contain lutein will help improve the health of your eyes and reduce your risk of eye disease,” Sharon Copeland, an optometrist at Feel Good Contacts, said.

Foods that contain lutein include kale, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, and pistachios. Alternatively, you can try taking a lutein supplement, but getting the vitamin through your food is the most effective way.

But there is also research that indicates that how you cook broccoli has a significant impact on the benefits you’ll get from the vegetable.

According to one study, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli must be chopped, shredded, or chewed to release the enzymes needed to activate the effect of sulforaphane.

One study also found that raw broccoli is better, finding that raw broccoli contains 10 times the amount of sulforaphane compared to cooked broccoli.

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