Heavy fog and cold air in Hebei, Henan, Shandong and other places continue to affect the Northeast – China Economic Net – National Economic Portal

China News Service, November 20th. According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, it is expected that from the morning to the morning of November 20th, Tianjin, eastern and central southern Hebei, northern Shandong, central and southern Henan, central Jiangsu, eastern Sichuan Basin, and central Chongqing. There is heavy fog with visibility less than 1 kilometer. Among them, parts of Tianjin, central and southern Hebei, northern Shandong, and central and southern Henan have strong dense fog with visibility less than 200 meters, and local visibility is less than 50 meters. From the 20th to the 21st, affected by the cold air, there were northerly winds of magnitude 4-6 and gusts of magnitude 7-8 in the eastern and northeastern parts of Inner Mongolia. The temperature dropped by 4-8°C and locally exceeded 10°C; There is still light to moderate snow in parts of the Ministry of Finance and other places.

  Domestic Live

The cold air affects the northern regions, and Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, and other places have stronger snowfall: at 5:00 today compared with 5:00 yesterday, eastern Inner Mongolia, southwestern Heilongjiang, western Jilin, western Liaoning, northern Hebei, northern Beijing, Tianjin and other places experienced a 4-8°C drop in temperature , The local drop in eastern Inner Mongolia reached 10-16°C; most of the above-mentioned areas were accompanied by gusts of magnitude 7-9, and local magnitude 10-11.

From 08:00 yesterday to 06:00 today, light to moderate snow or sleet and local heavy snow occurred in northeast Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, central Jilin, and along the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. 12.8 mm; moderate rains occurred in eastern Jiangsu, Shanghai, northeastern Zhejiang, central Hunan, and northern Guangxi, and local heavy rains occurred in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, and Baise, Chongzuo, and Nanning in Guangxi.

This morning, heavy fog with visibility less than 1 km appeared in central and southern Beijing, Tianjin, northeastern and central southern Hebei, northern Shandong, central and southern Henan, central Hubei, northern Hunan, and northern Jiangsu, with local visibility less than 200 meters.

  Heavy fog in Hebei, Henan, Shandong and other places

It is expected that from the morning to the morning of November 20, Tianjin, eastern and central southern Hebei, northern Shandong, central and southern Henan, central Jiangsu, eastern Sichuan Basin, central Chongqing and other places will have foggy weather with visibility less than 1 km. Among them, Tianjin, In parts of central and southern Hebei, northern Shandong, and central and southern Henan, there is strong dense fog with visibility less than 200 meters, and local visibility is less than 50 meters. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow fog warning at 06:00 on November 20.

Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory website

  Cold air continues to affect the Northeast

From the 20th to the 21st, affected by the cold air, there were northerly winds of magnitude 4-6 and gusts of magnitude 7-8 in the eastern and northeastern parts of Inner Mongolia. The temperature dropped by 4-8°C and locally exceeded 10°C; There is still light to moderate snow in parts of the Ministry of Finance and other places.

In addition, in the next three days, there will be a lot of snowfall in northern Xinjiang. Among them, parts of Ili River Valley, Tacheng, Altay and other places will have heavy snowfall, and local heavy snowstorms.

  Significant rainfall in the south

From the 21st to the 22nd, there were light to moderate rains in the eastern Sichuan Basin, southern Shaanxi, southern North China, Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai, eastern Jiangnan, and eastern South China, and local heavy or heavy rain.

  Specific forecast for the next three days

From 08:00 on November 20th to 08:00 on the 21st, there were light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, central and northern Liaoning, northern Xinjiang, and northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Among them, Xinjiang There were heavy snowstorms in parts of the north and other places, and local heavy snowstorms (20-22 mm). There were light to moderate rains in parts of central and southern Hebei, southern Shanxi, central and southern Shaanxi, Sichuan Basin, central and northern Guizhou, western Hubei, northwestern Hunan, central and northern Jiangsu, southern Yunnan, Hainan Island, and Taiwan Island. Among them, There was heavy rain (25-35 mm) in places such as the eastern part of Taiwan Island. There are 4 to 5 winds in the central and eastern parts of Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and other places.

Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory website

Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory website

From 08:00 on November 21st to 08:00 on the 22nd, there were light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang, northern Shanxi, and northern Sichuan Plateau. Among them, parts of northern Xinjiang and other places experienced heavy snowfall (10~ 15 mm). There were light to moderate rains in parts of central and southern Shaanxi, southern Shanxi, southern Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui, Hubei, central and northern Hunan, northern Jiangxi, central and northern Zhejiang, eastern Sichuan Basin, Guizhou, and most of South China. There were heavy rains (25-45 mm) in parts of central and southern Anhui, southeastern Hubei, and northern Hunan. There are 4 to 6 winds in parts of central Inner Mongolia and northeastern Zhejiang.

Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory website

Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory website

From 08:00 on November 22 to 08:00 on the 23rd, some areas in northern Xinjiang and other places experienced light to moderate snow, some areas experienced heavy snow, and local heavy snow (20-22 mm). There were moderate to heavy rains in parts of eastern and southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, southern Jiangxi, and Hainan Island. Among them, there were local heavy rains (50-55 mm) along the coast of central Guangdong. There are 4 to 6 winds in parts of central Inner Mongolia and Liaodong Peninsula.

Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory website

Image source: Central Meteorological Observatory website

(Editor in charge: Shan Xiaobing)



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