A deadly poison that destroys the kidneys … an urgent warning from a nutritionist not to use this oil for food at all, “get to know it before it is too late”

Unknown persons for unknown parties also collect frying oils, which were used in homes before for high sums, and recycle them and use them once more and fill them in bottles in factories of unknown origin and put them and sell them in the markets, and this is considered one of the types of deadly toxins that kill human health, It is a problem that harms the health of all Egyptians and the citizens’ lack of awareness of the seriousness of this situation.

Doctor warns of the use of these oils

The former dean of the Institute of Nutrition strongly warned of the danger of recycling cooking oil, and that this phenomenon is very dangerous, and housewives must quit by not selling their used oil In order not to allow these factories to recycle and sell it once more, he also stated that there are no hydrogenated oils, but that once the oils are put on the fire, they automatically turn into a fatty substance.

The danger of using oil following recycling

His Excellency also stated on social networking sites on his Facebook, as a result of using these oils once more following recycling them leads to many diseases, such as blockage of the heart arteries, which lead to heart clots, as well as weakness of the heart muscle when pumping blood and blockage of valves that result in a weakening of the immune system and the effect On its efficiency, and also from the serious diseases caused by chronic renal failure due to the repetition of these oils, and also confirmed the absence of healthy hydrogenated vegetable oil.

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