30 seconds of sunlight in the morning prevents cancer (research)

The effect of releasing melatonin through brain stimulation

Morning sunlight can greatly increase the production of melatonin in our body. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Research has shown that getting just 30 seconds of sunlight in the morning can significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

Queens Center for Oncology and Hematology in the UK ( Queen’s Centre for Oncology and Hematology) clinical oncologist Dr. Mohamed Muni Khan said, “Near-infrared rays of the sun between sunrise and 9 a.m.(NIR)at 30With only a fraction of a second exposure Per day banana 2500Wow brazil You can get a better cancer prevention effect than eating 1 kg of nuts,” he claimed, “and you can reduce the probability of cancer by 1/2 to 1/10.” As a single factor, it is the one that produces the strongest preventive effect.

NIR refers to light with a wavelength of 0.75 to 3㎛, which is the shortest among infrared rays in the spectrum of sunlight.

Studyfinds (studyfinds.org), a medium that makes scientific research easily accessible to the public,On the 5th (local time), Dr. Khan’s research results were introduced.

However, NIR exposure is most effective in the morning. This is because when exposed to NIR in the early morning, the body releases a tremendous amount of melatonin, a powerful natural antioxidant.

melatonin is It activates genes responsible for the production of antioxidants, acts on the hypothalamus of the brain, affects biorhythm control, and has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory functions.

Melatonin also plays a role in removing various harmful substances accumulated during daytime activities and regenerating damaged cells and tissues. However, as we age, these functions weaken, and as damaged cells accumulate, cancer is more likely to occur.

In the past, melatonin was called the ‘night hormone’. This is because it comes out of the pineal gland in the brain when we sleep.

But in 2016, US researchers found melatoninof They found that regarding 95% of it is made by mitochondria, which are involved in releasing energy from food. Scientists at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center found that mitochondria are particularly sensitive to NIR, and when exposed to increase melatonin production also found

Our bodies produce melatonin even when exposed to NIR at other times than in the morning. However, it is difficult to expect a strong health promotion effect as in the morning time. This is because the human body’s response to NIR drops significantly following 9 o’clock.

Dr. Kahn said:Going out to bask in the NIR every morning is the simplest, cheapest, and most effective way to prevent cancer. It is an effective method,” he said. Following Research is still in its infancy, but further researchat melatonin If the effect of mass production is proven once more, the probability of getting cancer will be reduced by a whopping 5 times.”

Following “(Such a study) Some races and cultures, especially those from Asia, the Middle East and the Far East, who get up early and go out, etc. Could explain why cancer rates are significantly lower than in Western populations” he said.

According to research To obtain the health-promoting effects of NIR exposure, early morning sunlight is essential. It needs to reach a specific part of the retina at the back of the eye that contains light-sensitive retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).

This is because when certain parts of the retina are stimulated, signals are transmitted to the mitochondria through the brain and melatonin can be released. car or bus window, sunglasses through It has no effect if it blocks most of the near-infrared spectrum.

Time spent outdoors, although NIR absorption is still possible on cloudy or rainy dayssecond It should be increased from 30 seconds to a maximum of 30 minutes. NIR light is also reflected by plants and trees, so looking at green is a good idea. good night. However Never look directly at the sun Can not be done.



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