Beware of eating garlic in this condition… It leads to low blood pressure and cirrhosis of the liver and is considered a deadly poison

Garlic is one of the foods useful for the body, which is used in a large number of meals, as the Egyptian and Arab cuisine cannot do without garlic, which enters almost all meals and gives delicious and delicious appearances to many foods, so it is considered one of the basics of the kitchen for all housewives, but there is information Dangerous regarding garlic must be recognized so that it does not turn into a deadly poison and cause many damages and health problems to the body in some specific cases, so we will explain a method that the housewife should avoid in the market in order to warn and avoid health problems.

Beware of eating garlic in this case

Garlic can be a cause of multiple diseases if it is eaten during pregnancy, causing multiple problems for the pregnant woman as well, leading to miscarriage of the fetus, so it is recommended to refrain from eating garlic for pregnant women except under the advice of a doctor.

When does garlic cause skin rashes and eczema

You must be careful when eating garlic in this case, in which it can become a deadly poison and cause a number of health problems, including rashes or eczema. highly stimulating to disease eczema And a number of other skin diseases that affect people.

When does garlic cause dizziness?

Garlic can be very harmful to health and cause a feeling of dizziness and dizziness continuously and lead to loss of consciousness in some cases, because it causes a severe drop in blood pressure in the patient if it is eaten in abundance, so garlic should be eaten in small quantities and beware of it.



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