Reveals a speech of “Xi Jinping” deeply grateful to the Thai government for hosting the APEC meeting

Speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 29th APEC Economic Forum on “Unity, Cooperation and Responsibility” for a community with a shared future in Asia-Pacific” (in Bangkok, Thailand, November 18, 2022).

His Excellency Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha and friends I am very pleased to meet you all in Bangkok. This is the first time we have met directly offline since the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Government of Thailand, especially His Excellency General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of Thailand. The intention and effort to host this meeting.

The current situation of the epidemic of COVID-19 Recurring several times and will continue to protract The global economic recovery is facing challenges. Unilateralism and protectionism have intensified. Global production and supply chains are affected. problem of inflation Cereal safety energy security and other problems It’s complicated and intense.

The “Asia-Pacific” region is the place of our footing. and is the engine of global economic growth. over the past several decades The economic cooperation of the Asia-Pacific region has developed and is vigorous, creating the “Miracle of the Asia-Pacific”, attracting the attention of the world. Asia-Pacific cooperation has taken root in the hearts of people long ago.

Now the world once again stood at the crossroads of history. The Asia-Pacific region is increasingly important and playing a prominent role.

Ancient Chinese stated that “The sage will not confuse The virtuous will not worry. Brave will not be afraid.” In this new situation, we must work together to build a community with a shared future in Asia-Pacific. to create a new glory for Asia-Pacific cooperation with these I have the following proposal.

Firstly, protect international justice and justice, build Asia-Pacific for peace and stability.

over the past several decades The Asia-Pacific economy is growing rapidly. as a result of a peaceful and stable environment makes us realize that We must respect each other, unite and work together. When faced with various obstacles, we must consult together to find the largest common factor.

We should uphold the idea of ​​inclusive, inclusive, cooperative and sustainable security, respecting each country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Do not interfere in other domestic affairs Respect the development path and social system chosen by the people of each country. Prioritize each country’s reasonable safety concerns. resolve international conflicts and disputes through peaceful negotiations

We must actively contribute to global governance. To push the order of the world community to develop in a direction of justice. and reasonable and to ensure peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world.

Second, stick to openness. Building an Asia-Pacific for Shared Prosperity

History has proven time and time again that openness Working together and winning together is the right way in the world. We must stand up for open regionalism. Strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination Build a closer industrial chain and supply chain in the region. Promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. Consistently drive the process of a uniform economy at the regional level. and build a high-level free trade area in the Asia-Pacific region as soon as possible

we must stand “Development for the People, by the People, and Results for the People” encourages all peoples of the Asia-Pacific region to prosper together. China is willing to work with various parties. Comply with the Regional Economic Partnership Agreement in a comprehensive and quality manner. keep driving to join “Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Pacific Economic Partnership” and “Digital Economic Partnership Agreement” to promote regional convergence development.

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Next year, China will consider hosting the Summit Forum on International Cooperation. “One Belt and One Road” (BRI: Belt and Road Initiative) No. 3 to add new drivers to development and prosperity in Asia-Pacific and around the world.

Third, adhere to green and low-carbon development. Creating a clean and beautiful Asia-Pacific

Protecting the Ecological Environment and Tackling Climate Change It is a challenge that humanity must face together. It is necessary to strengthen economic and technological cooperation. and accelerating development in line with digitalization and greenness. (Eco-friendly development mission to achieve tangible results) Promote transformation and upgrading of energy resources. Industry Structure and Consumption Structure Pushing for green economic and social development

This year, we have jointly set “Target Bangkok on Bioeconomy-Circular Economy-Green Economy” jointly promote the protection of the ecological environment and economic development.

China will support the implementation of the Bangkok Goals. I presented the Global Development Initiative at the United Nations last year. to strengthen concrete cooperation in the field of poverty reduction and accelerating the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China welcomes Asia-Pacific countries to actively participate.

Fourthly, we must hold on to sharing happiness and suffering. Creating an Asia-Pacific region that supports and helps each other.

We need to look at cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region from a long-term strategic perspective. Maintain APEC’s primary channel role in regional cooperation. and maintain the right direction of Asia-Pacific cooperation.

We must deepen the principles and objectives of APEC (APEC) to deepen a partnership in the Asia-Pacific region that is mutually trusting, open, collaborative and win-win. we must promote “The Spirit of a Big Family” help each other Keep moving forward to build a community with a shared future in the Asia-Pacific region.


last month The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held. It pointed out the direction and formulated a blueprint for China’s current and future development.

China is willing to live in peace and develop together with all countries on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. China will adhere to opening up the country to a greater extent. open more branches and on a more profound level Standing on the path of modernization according to Chinese identity Create a new, more open economic system. and share China’s development opportunities with the world, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

There is a Thai proverb that says “How to sow We have sowed the seeds of the Putrajaya vision together. It should be carefully cultivated and meticulously taken care of together. Cultivate the flower of prosperity for the common development of “Asia Pacific”

Thank you all

Translated and compiled by Thai language, Asia-Africa Center China Central Radio and Television Station (CMG)

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