Social media addiction: how I managed to quit social media

  • Suzanne Bearne
  • Business Technology Journalist,ygdsrfgtjhuye

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Photo credit, Iain Macdonald

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Gayle Macdonald says she now realizes there’s “more to life” than posting on social media.

When Gayle Macdonald peaked in Spain’s Sierra Nevada earlier this year, she didn’t just enjoy the moment.

The 45-year-old also did what a lot of people would do: she searched for the best place to take a selfie for her social media accounts. Gayle even admits she got dangerously close to the edge while doing it.

It was following this moment, for which she was scolded by her husband, that she decided to quit social media.

“I said to myself this had to stop,” recalls Gayle, a British expat living near the Spanish city of Granada. “Taking a photo is the first thing I thought of when I got out of the car.”

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