“It is a great opportunity and a responsibility to have been able to raise so many social issues”

Launched in 2004, the longest adventure of French audiovisual series will end this Friday. A halt for the six hundred technicians, actors and assistants who worked on this family program. “Sounded”, « groggy », “stunned”… The same words come up repeatedly among those who participate, over the year, in the production of the five weekly episodes of this family soap.
Program advocating living together, More beautiful life, which revolutionized the production methods of series and ventured into all social issues (transidentity, domestic violence, self-defense, illness), was a precursor in more ways than one. However, in recent years, audiences have eroded, dropping from 7 million viewers in the 2000s to 2.7 million in the 2021-2022 season, according to Médiamétrie.



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