Bronchiolitis: despite a slowdown in the epidemic, it is too early to say that the peak has passed

the essential
As the bronchiolitis epidemic continues, indicators declined during the week of November 7-13. In Occitania too, contamination seemed to be on the decline. However, the ARS does not exclude a very imminent epidemic resumption.

The bronchiolitis epidemic continues in France. Despite a decrease in indicators during the week of November 7 to 13, the Regional Health Agency cannot say that the epidemic peak has passed.

On average, visits to the emergency room for bronchiolitis fell by 20% and hospitalizations by 15%. However, the disease still represents almost half of the hospitalizations of children under two years old following their visit to the emergency room.

This slowdown observed this past week might be linked to school holidays which have reduced the risk of contamination. But, while the start of the school year has come, the time has come for caution. Indeed, the indicators might start to rise once more, synonymous with a clear epidemic recovery following this lull.

Indicators down in Occitania

In the national image, in Occitania “appeals and hospitalizations for the diagnosis of bronchiolitis in children under 2 years old were down compared to the previous week”, indicates the ARS.

A total of 373 passages for this diagnosis were recorded once morest 425 the previous week. Of these passages, “134 were followed by hospitalization, i.e. a hospitalization rate of 35.9% for this diagnosis, hospitalizations representing 45.0% among all hospitalizations in this age group.”

As a reminder, to protect your child from the risk of contaminationit is recommended to apply barrier gestures, to limit contact and to avoid meetings and crèche entries.



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