Nutrition against aging: nuts, pomegranate, cocoa help

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Von: Natalie Hull Drawbar

We can’t stop aging, but proper nutrition can help body cells and skin stay fresh and healthy for longer.

1 / 10Blueberries are absolute “beauty food”! They contain phytochemicals and are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that scavenge free radicals and thus slow down the aging process in the skin. (Iconic image) © Science Photo Library/Imago
Dark chocolate
2 / 10Cocoa, especially in raw form as a bean or with a high cocoa content, contains many secondary plant substances, so-called flavonoids. These have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect once morest rapid cell aging. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which counteract skin aging. (Iconic image) © imageBROKER/Oleksandr Latkun/Imago
Shelled walnuts
3 / 10Walnuts contain the fresh-keeping biotin or vitamin H as well as vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. Biotin is crucial for building and maintaining the cells in skin, hair and nails. (Iconic image) © Westend61/Imago
4 / 10Like nuts, the pomegranate also contains many antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals. The nutrients stimulate cell renewal and slow down the aging process. (Iconic image) © Vsevolod Belousov/Imago
Bowl of oatmeal
5 / 10Oatmeal is a real “all-rounder” when it comes to nutrition. They not only fill you up, but are rich in biotin, which strengthens the skin. (Icon image) © jirkaejc/Imago
Fresh spinach
6 / 10Spinach is also a power food for skin and body cells. The vegetable is rich in folic acid, which is essential for cell maturation and cell division processes in the body. The contained biotin also inhibits the aging process of the cells. (Iconic image) © Vitalina-Rybakova/Imago
7 / 10The secondary plant substance sulphoraphane contained in broccoli fends off free radicals and thus inhibits the natural aging process of the cells in the skin. (Iconic image) © Alex9500/Imago
8 / 10According to the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE), pumpkin contains carotenoids, which as antioxidants counteract free radicals in the body and thus protect the cells from damage. Carotenoids are also said to protect once morest certain types of cancer and heart and vascular diseases. © Cavan Images/Imaog
Olive oil with bread
9 / 10Olive oil is healthy in many ways, as various studies have shown: it lowers blood pressure, prevents hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes and promotes cell renewal in the skin. (Iconic image) © McPHOTO/Kerpa/Imago
cup of green tea
10 / 10Green tea not only has an anti-carcinogenic effect and protects the heart vessels. The antioxidants found in green tea ward off free radicals that cause wrinkles and premature aging, according to Deutsches Grünes Kreuz e. V. (symbol image) © zidi/Imago

The gradual aging process starts from the age of 20: The content of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases, and the first small wrinkles appear. The melanin production in the hair slows down, so that it turns gray from the age of 30 or earlier. The ability to hear is also reduced, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to hear the high tones in particular. The production of the alveoli decreases, our body begins to lose endurance and strength, such as Quark’s knowledge reported.

Everyone ages, getting older is a natural process that is also genetically controlled. Through a healthy lifestyle regarding Diet with intermittent fasting as well as sport and a lot of exercise can have a positive influence on the aging of the cells.

Nutrition: Ten foods help skin and body stay young longer

Despite your disposition, you can do a lot to preserve your cells. In addition to the right diet, sufficient exercise is actually an important success factor. Exercising regularly helps the body Reduce stress and thus reduce the formation of free radicalsso that Leibniz Institute for Research on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute eV (FLI). In addition, the immune system is activated by movement, so that aging processes be slowed down even more effectively. Sport also strengthens the muscles and firm skin. It turns out that athletes generally have particularly elastic skin.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions regarding clinical pictures.



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