[사회]’Report deletion’ summons the head of the Yongsan-seo intelligence department… Investigation extending to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Seoul


The head of the Seoul Yongsan Police Station’s intelligence division, who is suspected of deleting the report, appeared at the Special Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency today (15th).

It is the first time in two weeks since the launch of the special edition, an investigation into the summons of a suspect was conducted.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security and Seoul Metropolitan Government officials are also being investigated as witnesses.

Reporter Dahyun Kim reports.


The first suspect summoned by Special Bon, who worked hard to investigate witnesses and analyze confiscated items for two weeks following launch, was the head of the Seoul Yongsan Police Station’s intelligence division.

The head of the intelligence department is accused of deleting the police information report that was concerned regarding the safety accident at the Halloween festival right following the disaster.

When asked by reporters whether he admitted the charges, he firmly shut his mouth and left only a short answer before entering the investigation.

[서울 용산경찰서 정보과장 : 조사 과정에서 성실히 답변하겠습니다.]

The special edition, which has been criticized for targeting only the working-level staff in the field, seems to be starting the so-called ‘upper line’ investigation.

First of all, officials from the Ministry of Public Administration and Security were called as witnesses for two days in a row.

It is said that on the day of the disaster, they asked when the situation was communicated and whether they responded appropriately.

In particular, the head of the Central Disaster and Safety Situation Office, who informs relevant agencies of the information received from the police and fire department in the event of a disaster, was also included in the summons.

A reference investigation was also conducted on the head of the safety department in the Seoul City Safety Office.

This is the first time that the special edition has summoned Seoul officials, and it is noteworthy whether the investigation, which was focused on Yongsan-gu and Mayor Park Hee-young, will expand to Seoul.

Meanwhile, on the day of the Itaewon disaster, Superintendent Lee Yong-wook, who worked as a security situation officer at the National Police Agency and reported the situation late to Commissioner Yoon Hee-geun, was also placed on standby.

Superintendent Lee also received a call from the Presidential Office’s State Affairs Office at 11:18 p.m., more than an hour following the first report was made to the fire department, and it is known that he only replied, “We are still understanding the situation.”

This is Dahyun Kim from YTN.

YTN Dahyun Kim (dasam0801@ytn.co.kr)

※ ‘Your report becomes news’
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