The first appearance together after the marriage contract… Will Hossam Habib and Sherine attend their wedding?

The name of the Egyptian actress Sherine Abdel Wahhab and her husband, the artist Hossam Habib, is still the most controversial in Egypt, with the “trend” leading the various social networking sites, following they announced their marriage contract.

Sherine and Hussam’s crisis witnessed new developments during the past hours, starting yesterday morning, when social media activists shared a picture of them in front of a restaurant, and this is their first appearance together since the beginning of the crisis.

It was remarkable in the circulated photos that they appeared with Ahmed Yassin, who is one of the most famous wedding designers in Egypt, which raised questions regarding whether they were arranging their wedding.

In this context, the media, Marwa Sabry, raised doubts regarding Sherine and Hossam’s preparation for their wedding, when she wrote on Facebook: “I will tell you something. Sherine and Hossam celebrate their wedding next Tuesday.”

For his part, the wedding designer cleared everything that is being circulated on this matter, in a special statement to “An-Nahar”, as he confirmed that the meeting was not planned at all, and they met by chance in a restaurant, so he made sure to take a souvenir photo with them.

Yassin denounced the spread of the rumor so quickly, while it was not announced whether or not they celebrated their marriage.

It should be noted that Sherine and Hossam celebrated their marriage last Thursday, in the presence of a limited number of those close to them.



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