Scientists have converted the Earth’s magnetic field into sound, and the result is frightening

The Earth’s magnetic field forms a protective shield around our planet that is essential for the development of life. Danish scientists have transformed its magnetic waves into sound waves. The result ? A kind of disturbing rumble that resonates for five minutes.

(Map: West-France)

Au Denmarkfrom October 24 to October 30, thirty loudspeakers installed on Solbjerg Square in Copenhagen broadcast the roar of earth’s magnetic field.

This strange, almost disturbing song emanates from the center of the Earth. In reality, no sound can propagate in the vacuum of space. But magnetic waves can. Earth’s magnetic field acts as an invisible shield that surrounds and protects our planet from radiation from the cosmos. Against strong winds and solar storms, the magnetic waves it generates remain invisible and silent to human beings.

To make the general public aware of their importance, scientists from the Technical University of Denmark converted the magnetic signals measured by the Swarn satellite mission into sound.European Space Agency (ESA). Et “for something that protects us, the result is quite frightening”, underlines the ESA.

On Soundcloud, the online audio platform where this five-minute soundtrack was broadcast, Internet users describe what they hear: “It’s interesting, it’s like the sound of metal chimes and the microphone of the telephone exposed to the wind”, compares a user. Others are a little more scared. “Looks like there’s someone breathing fear in the background,” details another. But for those who know a little about it, the news is rather fascinating. ” I like [le bruit de] the solar storm hitting the middle of the Earth’s magnetic field, rejoices a user. Do more, especially when a gigantic solar storm occurs, then the video will be longer too. »

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Yannick Ponty, research director at the CNRS, specialist in the magnetic field assures us: “The recording is realistic. When you listen to it, you have the impression of being in the heart of a storm or a hurricane, it’s stressful. The solar wind around the planet is very disturbed, turbulent and can be very dangerous. »

This recording is not new. For several years, the Nasa “listens” and records the “sounds” of electromagnetic waves that propagate from the Earth into the surrounding vacuum.

The dance is effected

In 2012, thanks to a device equipped with two satellites, researchers from the EMFISIS team (Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science) from the University of Iowa in the United States, have published a recording of an intriguing and well-known phenomenon known as the “chorus effect”. This effect occurs when electromagnetic waves come into contact with charged particles emanating from the sun.

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“When these particles collide with atoms and molecules – mostly oxygen and nitrogen – in the upper atmosphere, some of the energy from the collisions is transformed into the green and blue light typical of the aurora borealis. , which can sometimes be seen at high altitude”, explains the ESA on its website.

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“Bringing together art and science”

If visualizing the impact between charged particles from the Sun interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field is possible, hearing it is more complicated. It is for this reason that Danish scientists used measurements from the three Swarm satellites launched by the European Space Agency in 2013 to convert them into sound.

Musician and project supporter Klaus Nielsen, from the Technical University of Denmark, said that “the project made it possible to bring art and science closer together”. On the side of science, “it doesn’t really add any additional scientific information”, warns Yannick Ponty. “But for the general public, it helps to understand the importance of the magnetic field. »

The ESA adds: “The intention, of course, is not to scare people – it’s a novel way of reminding us that the magnetic field exists, and although its rumble is a bit unnerving, the existence of life on Earth depends on it. »

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