A strong dance compass ignites young people with shorts, Hoda Al-Mufti, in a new look.. Watch the video

lit the artist Huda Al Mufti Huge controversy on social media platforms following she posted a video on her official Instagram page while she was wearing short shorts and posted it on her official page. Hours later, this video caused a sensation on social media and received criticism from many followers of the artist Huda Al-Mufti. Watch the video before deletion..

In the yellow transparent shorts, Huda Al-Mufti raises controversy within the artistic community

The artist, Hoda Al-Mufti, led a great controversy following publishing a half-hour video on her official page, as she performed a dance compass and wore yellow shorts, and this video caused a sensation.

Hours following it was published in the artistic community, the video contained inappropriate clips, and this video received great criticism from followers of the artist, Hoda Al-Mufti.



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