Hot water with lemon to lose weight: this is how it should be consumed

When people are dissatisfied with their weight, they look for magic formulas and quick methods to reduce sizes. However, to lose weight you should not fall into impatience and it is important to take into account the texture of each person so as not to damage other functions of the body.

The appropriate weight for each person depends on several factors, such as height, muscle mass and gender. In addition, it must be taken into account that the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat represents a great risk to the health of the human body and increases the chances of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Taking into account the above, burning more calories than you eat daily is what those who, with the help of a balanced diet and an exercise routine, want to lose weight are looking for.

Under medical supervision, in the course of weight loss you can go to some ingredients that have properties suitable for burning fat. For example, the specialized portal your health has reported that warm lemon water can help with this process.

To drink it in the correct way, the following process must be followed:

1. Boil a glass of water.

2. Once it starts bubbling, lower the heat and serve.

3. Add regarding 10 drops of lemon and wait until it is lukewarm.

4. No sugar or sweeteners should be added so that it does not lose its fat-burning properties.

5. Drink half an hour before breakfast.

This drink complements the diet, as it helps reduce body fat and provides a feeling of satiety, thus reducing calorie consumption.

In addition, lemon is a good option when looking to lose weight, since its composition favors the production of gastric juices in the stomach, “which causes food to break down more easily. Thanks to that, lemon improves digestion and prevents some problems that hinder weight loss: abdominal swelling, gas or heartburn”, as explained in the portal unCOMO.

your health also listed another series of fruits that help with this purpose:

  • apples: it has few calories, it contains fiber that helps improve intestinal transit; In addition, it speeds up the digestive process. It is a fruit rich in antioxidants, it has B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium, according to Gastrolab.
  • Kiwi: It has a low caloric level and its percentage of water is very high, so it has a diuretic effect natural for the elimination of fats and toxins, in addition to providing a feeling of satiety thanks to the soluble fiber it contains.
  • Strawberry: It is rich in water and has a great depurative diuretic power, which helps the body not retain liquids and can eliminate toxins. In Elle they point out that of every 100 grams of strawberries, approximately 32 grams are calories, 5.5 grams are carbohydrates and only 0.8% are fats.
  • Pera: It helps to lose weight because it is rich in fibers, improving intestinal transit and contributing to satisfy hunger. Also helps regulate blood sugar and promotes weight lossespecially when consumed in the shell, as it increases the feeling of satiety.
  • Papaya: Alma Palau, president of the General Council of Dietitians-Nutritionists (CGDN), assured that “fruit consumption is associated with a decreased risk of obesity”, since Contains papain, which speeds up intestinal transit.
  • Tangerines: the portal Salud180 It stands out among the benefits of this fruit that it is detoxifying, diuretic and antioxidant. One of the benefits attributed to it is that it can help lose weight, since 100 grams only provide 37 calories, so it is recommended to include it in the daily diet.



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