collateral system that changed After the Covid-19 situation, ‘technology’ is the answer of the era.

Dr. Jadet Thammathatchaaree, Secretary-General of the National Health Security Office (NHSO) gave a special speech on the topic “The principles of health insurance for Thai people that have changed following Covid-19” which is under the social security conference 2022 “Modernizing SSO, modern services and sustainable social security benefits” on 7 Oct. . 2022, stating that following the epidemic of COVID-19 People have changed their behavior. Making public health services and the National Health Security System (Gold Card) have to change according to the way of life in the New Normal era.

Dr. Jadet said that in the past, Thailand has a strong public health system. Almost every province has an epidemiologist. making it possible to cope with COVID-19 at the initial level well Management of treatment expenses of the entire Thai health insurance system, whether it is a gold card system, social security system government medical welfare and various state enterprises There is a space mechanism for centralized financial management. Make every hospital trust

The spread of COVID-19 causing Thailand to learn many lessons learn from mistakes especially communicating with the people In the beginning, there were many communication channels. causing confusion between citizens and authorities Later, the number was changed to call only 1130 of the NHSO and 1506 of the Social Security Office. by accepting all matters related to COVID-19 and is an intermediary for referrals such as finding beds, finding hospitals, including following up on medications and patient symptoms.

At the same time, the public and private sectors have taken part and are an important force in helping many things, such as foundations, setting up field hospitals, providing medicines, and private companies to help deliver medicines and deliver food. This is Thailand’s strength.

Dr. Jadet said that in the early stages of the epidemic When the patient was found, he had to be hospitalized for treatment in a negative pressure room and closely monitored until the year 2021, when the epidemic of the Delta strain spread rapidly. As a result, many hospitals are insufficient for the number of patients. Therefore, the treatment of Home Isolation (HI) was studied in England. and increasing drug delivery services, food delivery, and having a doctor to visit and follow the symptoms continually in order to be the most like receiving services in a hospital But it’s not powerful enough. After the private sector came to help in the matter of food delivery and medicine delivery until now, people can heal themselves. No need to see a doctor

“This lesson is the result that in 2023 NHSO will start the Homeward project by 6-7 patients with diseases who do not need hospitalization. The doctor waits for a video call and delivers medicines and food to the patients. It is a transformation from Home Isolation,” said Dr. Jadet.

Dr. Jadet said that the epidemic of COVID-19 As a result, people have to change their behavior. help yourself more For example, to test ATK by yourself to see if you are infected or not. Which believes that soon there will be a cancer or various diseases by themselves as well

However, public health services have also changed according to the behavior of people and the evolution of the world, for example, when people come to the hospital for health checks and can get medicine near their home instead. No need to waste time in the hospital for a long time. One day surgery is backed up with a mini laparoscopic surgery. Patients were able to return to their homes and recover within a few days. including reducing the importance of the hospital But more attention is paid to home and community treatment. The care will be changed to prevention. To make people strong and reduce sickness

In addition, there is support for the use of technology to play a greater role in medicine, such as mobile health services, telemedicine services. (Telehealth/Telemedicine) in the treatment consultation including delivery of medicines to the home or pick up the medicine at the nearest drugstore

Dr. Jadet said that from 2020 to 2021, the number of recipients of the gold card benefits will become insured in the social security system under Section 40, which has skyrocketed due to the COVID-19 compensation benefit. which considered that if 48 million gold card users nationwide came to be insured under this section, they would have other benefits In addition to medical treatment of health insurance At the same time, Section 40 gives people with disabilities the right to work to work a lot. with both social security rights and universal health insurance rights for motivation and support Help to increase the workforce in the country’s system more.

Dr. Jadet added that one of the concerns around the world is that in the future, people’s health costs will rise. because people will get sick more easily because of the aging society emerging disease and environment But the arrival of COVID-19 come into the cause of anti-aging technology for the elderly to be strong and not get sick easily Because being sick at home, stuck in bed, costs a lot, including Self Test Self Care, reducing the cost Newer treatments are cheaper, such as genomic medicine, which uses gene testing to determine which drugs the body is suitable for. It will reduce unprofitable expenses.

“What we used to believe that health costs will gradually increase may not be true. After the Covid-19 outbreak Only we will be smart in using technology to develop service systems. How to adapt a patient’s visit to something new? that will happen,” said Dr. Jadet.



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