A video went viral on social media which was captured by local security cameras, in which two workers took advantage of the absence of their boss to carry out other types of activities that do not correspond to their job functions.
The owner of the establishment decided to install the security cameras to see why his workforce was not efficient in their work shifts and discovered the answer to all his unknowns.
The recordings revealed that the employees during their shift carried out activities such as watch series, straighten your hair, share memes and even lie on the floor with pillows. The images were taken without the workers realizing that they were being recorded by a hidden camera.
As the two women lay on the floor just below the desks, one of them managed to see the device that recorded them and pointed it out to her partner. They quickly got up to go back to their jobs, but it was too late. What they did not know is that their boss had been watching them all the time since they started their work schedule.
The reaction that the workers had and the different activities that they carried out in the middle of the work day provoked all kinds of reactions on social networks, such as funny comments that accompany the moment. The video generated a debate among users, since there are those who reject that the man has installed a camera without the permission of the workers. And, in the same way, there are others who defend them with the argument that there are days when customers do not arrive.
“You can not install cameras and also without informing the worker” and “In an office there are dead hours, there are times when there is no work at all. It is obvious that the video was edited to show those moments”, were some of the allusive messages. However, on the other side of the networks, there are those who do not share the behavior of these two young women in a work space: “Ten hours of very productive work, and then they want a raise” and “I don’t understand how they never see themselves playing a key, what job is that”?
A Twitter user published the video that is already trending And until that moment adds more than 7,500 retweets and more than 50,000 likes on the social network.
A few weeks ago, another clip It went viral because of a peculiarity: a group of workers quit their jobs because of the mistreatment they suffered. In a work environment, the work environment is key for them to feel comfortable with their tasks and, consequently, improve business results. If the environment is hostile, It is possible that many will complain and that many others will abandon their work. This was what happened in a shoe store in Virginia, in the United States.
In the establishment, all the employees agreed and decided to resign at once. It was not a protest, but a true act of collective resignation. One of those involved published the video on TikTok, where they recount, before leaving their posts, how they feel regarding the decision. While some say they feel “very good”, others seem a little bewildered.
The video immediately went viral. So far, it has accumulated more than four million views and thousands of comments, mostly encouraging them for their courage and loyalty to the workers.