Of course, the first pregnancy is completely new territory. But does that automatically mean that the second ball time has to be totally easy? And that everything just happens along the way? Real mom Claudia definitely doesn’t think so: She wants to encourage expectant mothers to accept their own thoughts – and sometimes also worries. Because every pregnant woman is different!
Too many thoughts – because of well-intentioned advice
You are not allowed to do this! You shouldn’t! It may well be that Claudia only saw the many pieces of advice from family members and friends during her first pregnancy as what they usually are: an expression of caring. In her second pregnancy, the 32-year-old mother is very annoyed by the many admonitions – well intentioned or not. Because while so many other mothers tell her that the second pregnancy is just “a by-product”, the mother of a two-and-a-half-year-old simply can’t find it. “I worry almost as much as I did with my first pregnancy!”
Even before her very first positive test, Claudia had behaved in an exemplary manner: Ever since she wanted to have children, she had eaten more consciously, exercised and taken a dietary supplement with folic acid. “This time, too, I gave it a lot of thought. I had prenatal diagnostics and called my doctor from time to time when a stupid virus was raging in the day care center to behave properly.” They have always helped me intensive conversations with her partner – and the careful preparation for desired child no. 2. “I got even more involved with the topic dietary supplements and I decided on Femibion because the folic acid preparation also contains other important nutrients such as iodine and vitamin D.”
Why dietary supplements are important in family planning
On the one hand, a low folate level in pregnant women is a risk factor for the development of neural tube defects in the growing fetus. And because folate contributes to the growth of maternal tissues during pregnancy, it also promotes the development of the placenta. In addition, maternal intake of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA supports normal brain and eye development in the fetus. “And as I read later also with the breastfed baby,” says Claudia, who is in the final weeks of her pregnancy and takes one Folate Mix tablet with some liquid a day.
And this is how it should go: The practical 4-phase concept distinguishes between BabyPlanung, Femibion ® 1, Femibion ® 2 and Femibion ® 3 – depending on whether the mother-to-be wants to have children, is in the first trimester, watches her baby bump grow from the 13th week or is already breastfeeding a newborn.
Trust in your own path
That other acquaintances in the second pregnancy much more relaxed Act? “Comparing is useless – it’s just a question of type‘ Claudia now thinks. She knows very well that she herself cannot say no when her son looks at her pleadingly and urgently wants to be held. It doesn’t matter whether he just got hurt or just longs to be near his mom – she doesn’t want to make a difference. Of course it would be great to be able to get help in between. Unfortunately, grandparents who might step in from time to time didn’t live nearby either.
“It may be that you should take it easy, but that doesn’t work well for me when I rush to the daycare center following work and then go to the playground so that my big one can get his money’s worth.” Only recently you said they were between the slide and the climbing frame tears came. Because she mightn’t “simply” run off with her son with her baby ball, as he imagined at the moment. “Instead of listening to the voices of others, every mother should try to only listen to her own inner voice,” says Claudia. In any case, she has now firmly resolved to enjoy the weeks of maternity leave exactly as it is good for her and her small family.