Video shows moment when 23 contact lenses are removed from a woman’s eye: I had forgotten | Society

While the video is pretty impressive, it’s really just another reminder that it pays to follow contact lens care instructions.

A video on Instagram went viral following Katerina Kurteeva, ophthalmologist from Newport Beach, in California (United States), shared the images in which you can see how remove 23 contact lenses of the eyes of one of his patients.

“A rare occasion when someone ‘forgot’ to remove contact lenses at night and kept putting on new ones every morning,” Kurteeva wrote in an Instagram post.

Kurteeva began the standard investigation: according to her account, the patient came to her complaining of eye pain and blurred vision. Kurteeva suspected that a piece of contact lens might have been the culprit, or perhaps damage to the patient’s cornea.

Under some anesthesia, Kurteeva began probing the upper and lower eyelids and found nothing but mucus.

Only when Kurteeva used a speculum to hold the eyelids open and asked the patient to look down did she make the shocking discovery. The doctor, following removing the lenses, stated that her patient had a record. she called her “Your Guinness World Records patient.”

23 contact lenses in one eye

“In nearly 20 years of practice, I’ve never seen anything like it,” he told Business Insider. “The patient mightn’t believe it either and she asked me if she was sure of the number she was counting,” she added.

The doctor in her video mentioned that she had to use force to separate the lenses since they had been glued together for almost a month. She added that because the lenses are so thin and smooth, they form a brick of contact lenses, blocking vision.
“Opportunity to educate on the hygienic use of lenses”

While the video turns out to be pretty impressive, it’s really just another reminder that it pays to follow contact lens care instructions, according to Kurteeva.

“I feel very lucky to have made this video to remind people to remove their contacts every night,” Kurteeva told Business Insider. “This was a happy ending, but it might have gone sour very quickly.”

“Optometrists from South America, Mexico and Europe used the video to educate people on the need to remove daily contact lenses from their eyes every night,” he added.



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