Including papaya.. Here are the 5 most important foods that get rid of flatulence

03:54 PM

Wednesday October 19 2022

I wrote – Omnia Qalawun:

Some people suffer from flatulence and discomfort, as a result of eating foods that help in indigestion, most notably starches and sugars, which helps to increase the incidence of abdominal gases.

“Consulto” reviews, in the following report, a list of the most prominent foods that help you get rid of flatulence, according to the “Medical news today” and “Hella Health” websites.

Foods to get rid of flatulence

1- Fresh fruit

Eating raw fruits that are low in sugar, as well as rich in dietary fiber, which helps regulate bowel movement and feel comfortable. The most prominent fruits that nutrition experts recommend eating:

– Apricot.

-Black raspberries.



– Peach.

-the strawberry.

– Watermelon.

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Some types of vegetables are low in carbohydrates, which reduces the risk of flatulence and gas. The most prominent of these beneficial vegetables are:

– Green Beans.


– Okra.


Chinese cabbage.

3- brown rice

Brown rice is made from whole grains, which are known to ease bowel movements and give you a feeling of flattery, instead of white rice, which is made from white flour rich in carbohydrates, which causes bowel problems.

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4- Pineapple

Pineapple is one of the foods that facilitate digestion, as a result of the breakdown of proteins during the digestion process, the longer it takes for these proteins to break down, the more likely you will feel full and bloated, if undigested proteins enter the small intestine and begin to rot and cause gas, but pineapple and papaya both It helps break down those proteins.

5-Green dandelion

The green dandelion is one of the leafy vegetables, from the lettuce family, that offers amazing benefits to the body, including regulating bowel movement and expelling toxins and excess water from the body through the process of urination. It also protects once morest flatulence by increasing the production of stomach acid and stimulating the digestion of foods.

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Tips to get rid of flatulence

These tips can help you get rid of gas:

Drink plenty of water, as it provides the best hydration for the body as well as promoting digestion.

Avoid soft drinks as much as possible.

Avoid consuming fruit juices and artificial drinks.

Drink chamomile, fennel, mint or turmeric tea, which can help facilitate digestion and reduce gas.

Read also: Is charcoal pills effective treatment for flatulence?

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