The American police arrested a man in the vicinity of the Capitol building, in possession of weapons (two pistols and a rifle) in a truck he was driving in Washington, DC. Police said an 80-year-old Georgia man who was illegally parked on the grounds of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., saying he wanted to deliver documents to the Supreme Court, was arrested following three guns were found in his truck.
In a statement, congressional police said Tony Payne of Tunnel Hill, Georgia, was arrested on one count of bringing weapons to the Capitol. Police arrested two passengers in the truck, but they were not detained.
Congressional police officers spotted the white van parked illegally near the US Supreme Court building at regarding 3:45 pm local time, and when they approached the three passengers said they had come to deliver the documents to the court.
Police said Payne told officers that he had guns in the truck, and the search led to the discovery of two pistols, a rifle, a tube and boxes of ammunition, noting that dozens of people are arrested each year for bringing guns onto congressional grounds.
Source: Russia Today