Britain takes steps against Chinese efforts to attract air force pilots

British Ministry of Defense They say up to 30 British pilots have passed on sensitive knowledge and experience to Chinese armywhich is dangerous for British National Security.

Although they do not violate current law, the pilots were attacked by the British Minister of the Armed Forces, James Hebbywho indicated that the law will soon be changed to prevent military retirees from providing assistance to external adversaries.

Hebe added that what he did Flyers inconsistent with his understanding of military service, "because China A foreign power challenges the interests Britain".

He revealed that these pilots received sums of up to 283,000 US dollars in annual wages, in addition to privileges.

He emphasized that the pilots had been warned of the consequences of their actions.

The British Armed Forces Minister said that the army had had deep concerns for some time over this issue, noting that the counterintelligence branch had concluded that the pilots knew what they were doing.

He added that the military authorities contacted the former pilots and made it clear to them that they expected them not to continue this work.

James Hebei stressed that the former pilots did not take the advice, so the law will change to make the transfer of expertise yet the retirement It is illegal for foreign powers to do so.

Reports stated that the recruitment of the pilots was carried out by flight academy in South Africa.

British pilots trained their Chinese counterparts across China, within the Chinese People’s Army.

In return, they received handsome salaries with luxurious accommodations, maids, and fast cars.

While the British Armed Forces Minister maintained diplomatic language in criticizing pilots’ behaviour, a former British Army admiral went further.

And he said Admiral Briton Chris Barry it "These potential traitors must be exposed, exposed and ostracized".

He added that "He is disgusted with people who take money" For services to develop capacity for an anti-Western regime.


The newspaper “Daily Mail” quoted officials in the British Ministry of Defense They say up to 30 British pilots have passed on sensitive knowledge and experience to Chinese armywhich is dangerous for British National Security.

Although they do not violate current law, the pilots were attacked by the British Minister of the Armed Forces, James Hebbywho indicated that the law will soon be changed to prevent military retirees from providing assistance to external adversaries.

Hebe added that what he did Flyers inconsistent with his understanding of military service, “because China A foreign power challenges the interests Britain“.

He revealed that these pilots received sums of up to 283,000 US dollars in annual wages, in addition to privileges.

He emphasized that the pilots had been warned of the consequences of their actions.

The British Armed Forces Minister said that the army had been deeply concerned for some time over this issue, noting that the counterintelligence branch had concluded that the pilots knew what they were doing.

He added that the military authorities contacted the former pilots and made it clear to them that they expected them not to continue this work.

James Hebei stressed that the former pilots did not take the advice, so the law will change to make the transfer of expertise yet the retirement It is illegal for foreign powers to do so.

Reports stated that the recruitment of the pilots was carried out by flight academy in South Africa.

British pilots trained their Chinese counterparts across China, within the Chinese People’s Army.

In return, they received handsome salaries with luxurious accommodation, maids and fast cars.

While the British Armed Forces Minister maintained diplomatic language in criticizing pilots’ behaviour, a former British Army admiral went further.

And he said Admiral Briton Chris Barry said “these potential traitors must be exposed, exposed and ostracized”.

He added that he was “disgusted with people taking money” for services to develop capacity for a regime hostile to Western countries.



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