The hole in the mouth is so painful! Medical recommends 4 foods to strengthen oral mucosa and heal ulcers 1 Fruit promotes collagen formation | broken mouth | mouth ulcers | lack of sleep | Health 2.0

Have you ever eaten something and accidentally bit your mouth, causing a hole in your mouth and ulcers? Liu Fuxuan, a dentist at the Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen Medical College, said that in addition to accidentally biting something, there are many reasons for endostomatitis, such as autoimmune problems, eating disorders, fatigue, lack of sleep, etc. It is recommended that the public can supplement 4 kinds of oral protection mucosal food.

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Liu Fuxuan pointed out that in addition to eating kiwi fruit, you can also ingest pork liver, avocado, cranberry, milk and other foods to enhance immunity and strengthen oral mucosa! In addition, she also reminded that if the hole in the mouth has not healed for more than 2 weeks, seek medical attention as soon as possible, and pay attention to the possibility of lesions.

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4 foods that strengthen the oral mucosa if you have a hole in your mouth

1. Pork liver

The liver is very rich in vitamin B, vitamin A, iron, and zinc. The rich protein helps ulcer healing and maintains the integrity of the mucosa. Liu Fuxuan also reminded that due to the high cholesterol content of viscera, it is recommended that the public should consume it in moderation.

2. Avocado

Avocados contain B vitamins and vitamin E, which have anti-inflammatory effects. In addition to being good for cardiovascular health, continuous consumption can also help regulate cholesterol.

3. Cranberry

Cranberries are rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which help in the formation of collagen, help repair the oral mucosa, and also play a considerable role in enhancing immunity.

4. Milk

Milk is also a great source of B vitamins! Supplementing milk can also prevent some oral ulcers and sores.

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◎ Image source/Dazhi Image/shutterstock
◎ Source/Dr. Liu Fuxuan

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